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Qaagi - Book of Why



Your handlebars may be turned upcauseswrist extension

the musclecausewrist extension

The musclescontributeto wrist extension

a group of muscles ... the bonecausewrist extension

the forearm , wrist and hand assemblycausingwrist extension

When using a standard mouse , your wrist is bent backwards moreleadsto wrist extension

When using a standard mouse , your wrist is bent backwards more ,leadsto wrist extension

by hand rotation(passive) caused bywrist joint extension

a positive inclination in the keyboardleadsto Wrist Extension

pain ... activitiescausewrist extension

a tech expertcauseswrist extension

symptomsresultingfrom wrist extension

Most keyboards ... the bottomcauseswrist extension

the distal tibial metaphysisresultingfrom wrist extension

intraabdominal infectionsresultingfrom wrist extension

a dysrhythmiaresultingfrom wrist extension

pain(passive) caused bypain

the risk of pain(passive) caused bythe risk of pain

the thumb and fingers to pull together allowing a quad to pick up an object , while wrist flexion releases the itemcausesthe thumb and fingers to pull together allowing a quad to pick up an object , while wrist flexion releases the item

to injurycan leadto injury


the fingers and hand to close for graspingcausesthe fingers and hand to close for grasping

to wrist dropleadingto wrist drop

passive flexion of those digitswill causepassive flexion of those digits

in the greatest increase in cubital tunnel pressureresultingin the greatest increase in cubital tunnel pressure

stretching of the nervecan causestretching of the nerve

stretching of the nerve through the canalcan causestretching of the nerve through the canal

to pain , tenderness and weakness of gripcan leadto pain , tenderness and weakness of grip

discomfortcan causediscomfort


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