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Qaagi - Book of Why



by an illness(passive) caused byweakness

A deficiencycan causeweakness

A decrease in musclescan causeweakness



the tightness in my muscles has tendedto causeweakness

by his injury(passive) caused byweakness


An inherited muscle disease ... , stiffness , reduced exercise tolerance and an increased sensitivity to the coldcausingweakness

Deficiency also breaks down muscle tissuecausingweakness

a lack of nutrients(passive) can be caused byWeakness

Over use of the front muscles causes tightness and under use of the back musclescausesweakness

Anemiacan causeweakness

A decrease in magnesiumcan causeweakness

by previous injuries or poor technique(passive) caused byweakness

The paincausesweakness

by lack of muscle use(passive) caused byweakness

The stresswill causeweakness

by muscle breakdown.[3(passive) caused byweakness

Stiffness and musclecan resultweakness

Both tightness and/orcan leadweakness

by muscle injuries such as sprains and strains(passive) caused byweakness

A nerve disorder , numbness or tinglingcan causeweakness

the bodywill causeweakness

The lack of functioning muscle unitscausesweakness

a lack of effort(passive) is generally caused byWeakness

too little proteincausesweakness

Muscle disorderscan causeweakness

Paincan also causeweakness

Low levels of oxygencan causeweakness


Dehydrationcan causeweakness

a of lack of calcium or poor bone density(passive) may be caused byWeakness

the lack of nutrients in the body(passive) is caused byWeakness

the injury which continuesto causeweakness

Yin Deficiencycan causeweakness

by illness(passive) caused byWeakness

by a previous injury(passive) caused byweakness

Deficiencies of certain mineralscan causeweakness

by lack of desire(passive) caused byweakness

in a weak contractwill resultin a weak contract

to weakleadsto weak

My weak parts?\ ' Sickness of the heart(passive) was caused byMy weak parts?\ ' Sickness of the heart

to weak marginsleadsto weak margins

in a material misstatementcould resultin a material misstatement

from inadequate strength caused by limitations in force productioncan resultfrom inadequate strength caused by limitations in force production

to overusecan leadto overuse

to more danger to the weak sideleadingto more danger to the weak side

to tightness and tightness leads to injuryleadsto tightness and tightness leads to injury

to course failurecontributingto course failure

most oftenledmost often

to tightness leads to painleadsto tightness leads to pain

to strengthleadsto strength

to poor mobilityleadsto poor mobility

to the problemcontributingto the problem

war , not strengthcauseswar , not strength


A lot of TIGHTNESS(passive) is caused byA lot of TIGHTNESS

growth & decline of nationsinfluencesgrowth & decline of nations

stiffness and stiffnesscan causestiffness and stiffness

stiffness and stiffness can cause weaknesscan causestiffness and stiffness can cause weakness

to poor mechanicswere contributingto poor mechanics

to a reduction in strength propertiesleadingto a reduction in strength properties

to vulnerabilityleadsto vulnerability

to a fallleadsto a fall

to a fallcould have easily ledto a fall

Pain(passive) is caused byPain

in the inability to grip things properlyresultsin the inability to grip things properly

This ... lack of use(passive) is caused byThis ... lack of use

the fallCould ... have causedthe fall

me to fallcausesme to fall

for defeatsettingfor defeat

to injuryleadsto injury

to fallingleadsto falling

to a weak bladder , back pain or sore kneescan leadto a weak bladder , back pain or sore knees

a possible liftwill contributea possible lift

more trouble than strengthwill causemore trouble than strength

difficulty in climbing stairs or getting up from the floor or a low chair ... or can lead to the person walking with a waddling patternmay causedifficulty in climbing stairs or getting up from the floor or a low chair ... or can lead to the person walking with a waddling pattern

difficulty in climbing stairs or getting up from the floor or a low chairmay causedifficulty in climbing stairs or getting up from the floor or a low chair

in job disabilityresultingin job disability


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