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Qaagi - Book of Why



their home ... these appliancescan leadto the wastage of electricity

to work extra to maintain insulation in the housethus leadingto wastage of electricity

The malfunctioning home appliancesalso causewastage of electricity

the power packleadingto wastage of electricity

by charging batteries in vehicles(passive) caused byelectricity wastage

their facilitiesledto wastage of electricity

this wilalso causewastage of electricity

a lot of unnecessary thingsis causingwastage of electricity

providing adequate lighting insideleadsto wastage of electricity

water ... timeleadsto the wastage of electricity

timeleadsto the wastage of electricity

resistancecausingwastage of electricity

the air conditioning system ... any leaks or errorscan causeelectricity wastage

in higher electricity billswould ... resultin higher electricity bills

to bulging billswill leadto bulging bills


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