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Qaagi - Book of Why




the political conflict(passive) was caused byWar


by political adversaries(passive) led bywar

ethnic tensions(passive) was caused by_ war

Israel wasto causewar

wars religioncauseswar

these people ( militarywill causewar

An EU armycould causewar

by Commanding General of the Continental Army George Washington(passive) led byWar

The USledwar

The long yearshave resultedwar

The EventsCausedWar

Trade wars ... the thingcauseswar



the building of a large armycauseswar

Lack of peacecausedwar

Ethnic and religious conflictscausewar

human aggressioncauseswar

by religious or any unusual conflict(passive) caused bywar

religious or any unusual conflict(passive) caused bywar

It is not armaments ... , but war that causes armamentscausewar

his days in the army and the song(passive) is influenced byWar

corporations and American generals(passive) is caused byWar

a conflicthas promptedwar

economic disputes and rivalries ... helpcausewar

people(passive) is caused byWar

enough ... or at least great hostility between nationsto causewar

the UShad provokedwar

by people who claim to be for peace(passive) caused byWar

the competition and conflicts between nationscausewar

external conditions and conflictscausewar

Some name ... much of whichcausewar

in the name of George Bushcausedwar

Bad peacecauseswar

of naval and land operations(passive) was composedWar

by religion or those who fight in the name of religion(passive) caused bywar

Instead she bring peacecausingwar

History continuesto causewar

in deathresultedin death

in the destruction of Americawill resultin the destruction of America

in a decisive victory for the United Statesresultedin a decisive victory for the United States

deaths but some wars seem to get a lot more presscausesdeaths but some wars seem to get a lot more press

to killing of civilians and bloodshedleadsto killing of civilians and bloodshed

the battle nearly overshall causethe battle nearly over


the tension present between fighting nations or groupsinfluencesthe tension present between fighting nations or groups

wounds and suffering that previous past the battlefieldwill causewounds and suffering that previous past the battlefield

deaths , particularly of combatantscausesdeaths , particularly of combatants

wounds and suffering inside and beyond the battlefieldcauseswounds and suffering inside and beyond the battlefield

future warscausesfuture wars

devastation and deathcausesdevastation and death

to deathwill leadto death

in a decisive Japanese victoryresultedin a decisive Japanese victory

this damagecausedthis damage

in bloodshed and deathresultsin bloodshed and death

in the the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europewould resultin the the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe


in the defeat of Germany and the post - war collapse and devastationresultedin the defeat of Germany and the post - war collapse and devastation

more than just the deaths of soldierscausesmore than just the deaths of soldiers

the deathshall causethe death

to an allied victoryleadto an allied victory

in deathresultsin death

the damageshall causethe damage

the deaths and suffering of soldierscausesthe deaths and suffering of soldiers

Losses of Life(passive) Caused ByLosses of Life

destruction and sufferingcausedestruction and suffering

peace in the Middle Eastto causepeace in the Middle East

to deathcan leadto death

to victoryledto victory

in massive sufferingresultedin massive suffering

destruction(passive) caused bydestruction

the damage and suffering(passive) caused bythe damage and suffering

wounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefieldcauseswounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefield

wounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefieldcauseswounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefield

wounds and sufferingcauseswounds and suffering

an economic conflictDoes ... influencesan economic conflict

the deathsshall causethe deaths

in World War II Europesetin World War II Europe


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