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Qaagi - Book of Why



These programs arecausingvirus to

to replicate itself(passive) may be designedvirus

by herpes infection(passive) caused byvirus


your antivirusHave ... discoveredvirus

the action of viral - specific enzyme reverse transcriptase(passive) is caused byvirus

1 infectioncausingvirus


to real time protection against viruses for free(passive) is designedVirus

Does herpescausevirus

fight against the diseasecausingvirus

by the novel coronavirus(passive) caused byvirus

by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito(passive) is caused byvirus

A disease ... , or germs life , preciouscausingvirus

Can herpescausevirus

A disease ... , or germs lifecausingvirus

to steal information about your activity on your computer(passive) is ... designedvirus

highly pathogenic avian influenzacausingvirus

Disease iscausesvirus

polio is alsocausedvirus

by Internet surfing , etc(passive) caused byVirus


What herpescausesvirus

A fevercausingvirus

that some oral antiviral drugs the virus(passive) been discoveredvirus

by the country basic principle(passive) designed byvirus

The Antivirus XP 2008is causingVirus

viruses(passive) are ... causedVirus


Viral meningitis is mainly occurred by diarrheacausingvirus

to infect multiple file types in an effort to fool antivirus software(passive) is designed_ _ virus

by scientists(passive) discovered byVirus


The infectioncausingvirus

both the mosquito and diseasecausingvirus

a mild viral illness Onecausesvirus

by pneumonia called Valley disease(passive) caused byvirus ...

The wartcausingvirus

to infect many files or programs(passive) is designedVirus

Also hoping there are no malwarecausingvirus

the diseasecausesthe disease

gastrointestinal illnesscausesgastrointestinal illness

viral infection / diseaseCausesviral infection / disease

an infection(passive) caused byan infection

to AIDSleadsto AIDS

acute hearing loss and eye inflammationcan causeacute hearing loss and eye inflammation

to permanent neurologic effects or deathcan leadto permanent neurologic effects or death

viral hemorrhagic fever ... and alsocausesviral hemorrhagic fever ... and also

respiratory and neurological disease and deathcan causerespiratory and neurological disease and death

glandular fevercausesglandular fever

Viral Meningitis(passive) is caused byViral Meningitis

Viral pneumonia(passive) is caused byViral pneumonia

The disease(passive) is caused byThe disease

This infection(passive) is caused byThis infection


to the cure for all diseasecould leadto the cure for all disease

via viruscausedvia virus

abnormal tissue growth and other changes to cells , which can lead to cervical cancer , and genital wartscan causeabnormal tissue growth and other changes to cells , which can lead to cervical cancer , and genital warts

human infection and which is different from current human seasonal influenza A viruseshas causedhuman infection and which is different from current human seasonal influenza A viruses

human infectionhas causedhuman infection

Viral diseases(passive) are normally caused byViral diseases

the infectioncausesthe infection

infectionto causeinfection

acute respiratory infectionscausesacute respiratory infections


liver infectioncausingliver infection


upper respiratory infection ( including the common cold and bronchiolitiscausesupper respiratory infection ( including the common cold and bronchiolitis

disease Major viral diseasescausesdisease Major viral diseases

The disease(passive) might be caused byThe disease

a highly infectious , severe respiratory disease in birds called avian influenza ( or bird flucausesa highly infectious , severe respiratory disease in birds called avian influenza ( or bird flu

to AIDScan ... leadto AIDS

symptoms ranging from mild fever and joint pain to a skin rash or conjunctivitiscan causesymptoms ranging from mild fever and joint pain to a skin rash or conjunctivitis

The diseases like viral hepatitis(passive) are caused byThe diseases like viral hepatitis

infection?This infection(passive) is caused byinfection?This infection

infection in the respiratory systemcausesinfection in the respiratory system

The disease X(passive) is caused byThe disease X

a liver infectioncausesa liver infection

infection(passive) is ... are caused byinfection

to herpes diseasemay leadto herpes disease


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