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Qaagi - Book of Why



Violent peoplecauseviolence

violent people cause violencecauseviolence

by violent people(passive) caused byViolence

That violent gamescauseviolence

# violent gamescauseviolence

People ... causing injury to police and otherscausingviolence

# violent gamescauseviolence #

Violent video gamescausingviolence

the presence of gunscausesviolence

Violent Video Gamesare causingViolence

violent rhetoriccausesviolence

People with gunscan causeviolence

Evil peoplecauseviolence

violent wordsDo ... causeviolence

exposure to violent mediacan causeviolence

Violent Video Gamescauseviolence

Violent culture , not gunscausesviolence

violence ... a mannermight provokeviolence

> Violent Video gamescauseviolence

Violent video gamescausesviolence

violent gamesDo ... causeviolence

Army Assault is under the violent gamescauseviolence

Violent video gamesdo indeed causeviolence

that violent TV programscauseviolence

violent TV programscauseviolence

that violent video gamesactually causeviolence

It 's a " factcauseviolence

violent video gamesdo ... causeviolence

Do violent video gamescauseviolence

People , not gunscauseviolence

people with violent thoughtscauseviolence

violent gamesCAN ... causeviolence

If people are violent towards Trump , it meanscausesviolence

My Account Violent Video gamescauseviolence

Images or words used in these ways ends upcausingviolence

so much video gamescausingviolence

violent gamesdo nt causeviolence

The intent wasto causeviolence

Opinions Do violent video gamescauseviolence

is under the violent gamescauseviolence

# Violent men # Violent womencauses# Violent men # Violent women

in deathresultingin death

negative attitudes towards the people being violentcausesnegative attitudes towards the people being violent

to Murder ViolenceCan Leadto Murder Violence


to more violence , hatredleadsto more violence , hatred

to bloodshed and deathleadsto bloodshed and death

to the deaths of individualshas ledto the deaths of individuals

# Threats # Victims of violencecauses# Threats # Victims of violence

to physical harm and deathleadsto physical harm and death

to hatred and more violenceleadsto hatred and more violence

to deaths and injury of peopleleadingto deaths and injury of people

to destruction in the worldhas ledto destruction in the world

significant physical harm to anotherto causesignificant physical harm to another

to the loss of an innocent lifeleadingto the loss of an innocent life

deaths and destructioncausingdeaths and destruction

to destruction and death of others and the one causing itleadsto destruction and death of others and the one causing it

to attacks on state institutions and on villageshas ledto attacks on state institutions and on villages

to many deadledto many dead

in injury and destructionalways resultsin injury and destruction

in ... or is likely to result in , physical , sexual or mental harm or suffering to women , including threats of such acts , coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty , whether occurring in public or in private liferesultsin ... or is likely to result in , physical , sexual or mental harm or suffering to women , including threats of such acts , coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty , whether occurring in public or in private life

to hatred and also to more violenceoften leadsto hatred and also to more violence

to death andleadsto death and

in material damage and deaths including that of police officershave resultedin material damage and deaths including that of police officers

to bloodshed and all to often , deathgenerally leadsto bloodshed and all to often , death

to deathleadingto death


to a culture where violent acts are on the riseleadsto a culture where violent acts are on the rise

people to be more overly violent in their lifecan influencepeople to be more overly violent in their life

in security force members being injured or killedresultingin security force members being injured or killed

violence in real lifecausesviolence in real life

loss of innocent livescausedloss of innocent lives

to increases in aggressive attitudes , values , and behavior , particularly in childrencan leadto increases in aggressive attitudes , values , and behavior , particularly in children

to deathleadsto death

to deathleadsto death

school shootings , bullying , and violence towards peoplecould influenceschool shootings , bullying , and violence towards people

death and attackcausingdeath and attack

further violence during protestspromptedfurther violence during protests

in deathresultsin death

# Threats # Victims of violence bookscauses# Threats # Victims of violence books


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