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Qaagi - Book of Why



deteriorated buildingscontributeto urban blight

citiescontributeto urban blight

Local municipalities ... a plague of old abandoned housingleadsto urban blight

Local municipalities ... old abandoned housingleadsto urban blight

Littercontributesto urban blight

a wide range of factors in a city(passive) is caused byUrban blight

derelict buildings and structurescauseurban blight

buildingscausingurban blight

Public transportationleadsto urban blight

streetsfurther contributingto urban blight

to already overcrowded citiescontributingto urban blight

Many migrate to already overcrowded citiescontributingto urban blight

by national and international financial institutions unwilling or unable to secure and maintain their portfolios of foreclosed properties in the city(passive) caused byurban blight

national and international financial institutions unwilling or unable to secure and maintain their portfolios of foreclosed properties in the city(passive) caused byurban blight

foreclosed propertiescan causeurban blight

conditionsleadto urban blight

Sprawlleadsto urban blight

The first , which forces the city to hold land for 10 years before redevelopingwould leadto urban blight

usually(passive) is ... causedUrban blight

low - income communitiescontributeto urban blight

by the foreclosure(passive) caused byurban blight

a waycontributeto urban blight

Graffiti is detrimental to the health , safety and welfare of the communityleadsto urban blight

Too many vacant homes in a particular neighborhoodmight causeurban blight

that : ( 1 ) Graffiti is detrimental to the health , safety and welfare of the communityleadsto urban blight

The suburban flightledto urban blight

1 ) Graffiti is detrimental to the health , safety and welfare of the communityleadsto urban blight

One of the problems iscauseurban blight

a Wal - Martwould causeurban blight

by property abandonment(passive) caused byurban blight

by foreclosures(passive) caused byurban blight

She saidwere causingurban blight

government(passive) was caused byUrban blight

businessescauseurban blight

abandoned businessescauseurban blight

by government(passive) was caused byUrban blight

the city?s argument ... foreclosed propertiescan causeurban blight

by the ring road(passive) caused bythe urban blight

loans made to those who are not qualified ... abandoned propertiescan causeurban blight

loans made to those who are not qualified , like what such as occurred in recent years ... abandoned propertiescan causeurban blight

from too many abandoned buildingsresultsfrom too many abandoned buildings

when such a buildingresultswhen such a building

numerous cities in the 1970sinfluencednumerous cities in the 1970s

lots of cities in the 1970sinfluencedlots of cities in the 1970s

several cities in the 1970sinfluencedseveral cities in the 1970s

into this neighborhoodsetinto this neighborhood

businesses to failcausesbusinesses to fail

historicallyhas ... contributedhistorically

to racial segregationhas ... contributedto racial segregation

to increased property valueswould ... leadto increased property values

to increased property values ... thereby raising future property tax revenuewould ... leadto increased property values ... thereby raising future property tax revenue

mass abandonment of propertiescausedmass abandonment of properties

to " White flightledto " White flight

to the tax baseare ... contributingto the tax base

to urban renewalledto urban renewal


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