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Qaagi - Book of Why



the complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes normally found in women(passive) is caused byTurner s Syndrome

1 copy of chromosome XcausesTurners syndrome

by a missing or incomplete X chromosome(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

XcausesTurner syndrome

Risk factorscausingturner syndrome

Chromosomal abnormalitiescauseTurner syndrome

a chromosomal abnormality(passive) is caused byTurner 's syndrome

a chromosome abnormality(passive) is caused byTurner Syndrome

a chromosomal abnormality(passive) is caused byTURNER 'S SYNDROME Turner 's syndrome

by a chromosomal abnormality(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

a missing X chromosome(passive) is caused byTurner Syndrome

a missing X chromosome(passive) is usually caused byTurner syndrome

an absence of one of the X chromosomes(passive) is caused byA Turner syndrome

a chromosomal abnormality(passive) is caused byTurner Syndrome

by having a missing or incomplete X chromosome(passive) is causedTurner syndrome

in about 50 % of patients(passive) is causedThe turner syndrome

by a single X chromosome(passive) caused byTurner Syndrome

a missing or incomplete X chromosome(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

by a missing chromosome(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

by a monosomy of chromosome X.(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

the complete or partial lack of one of the(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

inflammation of the brachial plexus which is a large group of nerves in the shoulder(passive) is caused byParsonage - turner syndrome

numeric and structural abnormalities of the X chromosome(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

by a missing X chromosome(passive) is causedTurner syndrome

a missing or incomplete x chromosomes(passive) is caused byTurner Syndrome Turner Syndrome

by a missing X chromosome(passive) caused byTurner syndrome

a missing chromosomecausesTurner Syndrome

the complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes normally found in a woman(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

by monosomy X(passive) caused byTurner syndrome

the absence ( complete or partial ) of one of the two X chromosomes(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

It is not knowncausesTurner syndrome

the complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes normally found in women(passive) is caused byTurner Syndrome

a complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

the complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

the total or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome

the lack of a second sex chromosome(passive) is caused byTurner Syndrome

Abnormality in one of the two X chromosomes in girlscausesTurner syndrome

Ring formation of an X - chromosomecausesTurner syndrome

by a partial deletion of the X chromosome , its possible , but rare(passive) caused byTurner syndrome

partial or complete loss monosomy of one of the X chromosomes(passive) is caused byTurner syndrome


from a partial or complete absence of one X chromosomeresultsfrom a partial or complete absence of one X chromosome

from the absence of an X chromosome in femalesresultsfrom the absence of an X chromosome in females

when all or part of one of the X chromosomes is missing in femalesresultswhen all or part of one of the X chromosomes is missing in females

from a total or partial loss of the X chromosomeresultingfrom a total or partial loss of the X chromosome

Short stature(passive) caused byShort stature

from a chromosomal abnormalityresultsfrom a chromosomal abnormality

significantlywould contributesignificantly

a wide variety of symptomscan causea wide variety of symptoms

The cause for whichCausesThe cause for which

due to the absence of one of the X chromosomecauseddue to the absence of one of the X chromosome

in a female with various disabilitiesresultsin a female with various disabilities

symptoms and treatmentcausessymptoms and treatment

developmental and learning issuescausesdevelopmental and learning issues

an array of features and symptoms , including short stature , infertility , and heart defectsgenerally causesan array of features and symptoms , including short stature , infertility , and heart defects

in problems with Listening to , vision and infertilitymay resultin problems with Listening to , vision and infertility

muscle weakness and paincan causemuscle weakness and pain

from such tiesmay resultfrom such ties

Congenital heart disease(passive) is caused byCongenital heart disease

from a chromosomal abnormality in which a female infant is born with only one X chromosome ( instead of the usual two ) or is missing part of one X chromosomeresultsfrom a chromosomal abnormality in which a female infant is born with only one X chromosome ( instead of the usual two ) or is missing part of one X chromosome

wellmay ... leadwell

alsocan ... causealso

short stature amongst other difficultiescausesshort stature amongst other difficulties

girls to be born missing their second X chromosomecausesgirls to be born missing their second X chromosome

a range of medical and developmental problemscan causea range of medical and developmental problems

short staturecausesshort stature

in the futuremay resultin the future

short staturecausesshort stature

from a missing X chromosome and is associated with dwarfism and arrested sexual development in addition to aortic aneurysmresultsfrom a missing X chromosome and is associated with dwarfism and arrested sexual development in addition to aortic aneurysm

infertilitywill causeinfertility

from the complete or partial lack of one X chromosomeresultsfrom the complete or partial lack of one X chromosome

cardiovascular defects , especially problems with the aorta ( the main artery pumping blood from the heartcan also causecardiovascular defects , especially problems with the aorta ( the main artery pumping blood from the heart

scapular wingingmay causescapular winging

issuesmay causeissues

cardiovascular defects , especially problems with the aortacan also causecardiovascular defects , especially problems with the aorta

growth and development issuescan causegrowth and development issues

numerous health and development problems , including but not limited to short stature , lymphedema , infertility , webbed neck , coarctation of the aorta , ADHD , amenorrhoea , and obesitycausesnumerous health and development problems , including but not limited to short stature , lymphedema , infertility , webbed neck , coarctation of the aorta , ADHD , amenorrhoea , and obesity

problems with the heart or major blood vesselscan causeproblems with the heart or major blood vessels

disruptions with the formation of the neck and head , along with problems related to growth and pubertyto causedisruptions with the formation of the neck and head , along with problems related to growth and puberty

brachial plexus inflammationcausesbrachial plexus inflammation


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