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Qaagi - Book of Why



due to inhaling bad air(passive) can be causedBreathing trouble

This conditioncausesproblems breathing

by an obstructed airway(passive) caused bybreathing problem

ENT ) issuescan also causetrouble breathing

the airway in the throatcausesbreathing problem

a difficulty to breathe out regularlycausestrouble breathing

a serious lung problemcausestrouble in breathing

These diseasescausesbreathing problem

Fluid can build up in the lungscausingtrouble breathing

fluid accumulates in the lungscan causeproblems with breathing

face to avoid inhalationcan causebreathing problem

Less aircausestrouble in breathing

throatcausingtrouble breathing

for a person to take a breath enough amounts of oxygencausingtrouble in breathing

Cigarette smokecausesbreathing problem

the lungscausingtrouble in breathing

lung problemscan causebreathing trouble

by other issues(passive) may ... be caused bytrouble breathing

lung conditionscausestrouble breathing

humidityalso causeproblems breathing

the lungscausestrouble breathing

The water ... the lungscausestrouble breathing

Nasal congestioncausestrouble breathing

Pneumoniacan causeproblems with breathing

the airwaycausingtrouble breathing

your mucus is produced inside the airwaycausingtrouble breathing

Vapourmay causebreathing problem

different lung issuescan causetrouble breathing

The chest ... the throatcan causebreathing trouble

by the blockage of air airways(passive) usually caused bybreathing problem

This decreased airflowcan causebreathing trouble

by multiple things(passive) can be caused byDIFFICULTY BREATHING Trouble breathing

by multiple things(passive) can be causedDIFFICULTY BREATHING Trouble breathing

by asthma , COPD or other issues(passive) can be caused byTrouble breathing

by muscles which can be found around the airways tightening(passive) is causedproblems breathing

problems with the lungs , heart or the nervous system ( anxiety(passive) can be caused byTrouble with breathing

The fluidcausestrouble breathing

What nasal ailmentscauseproblems breathing

the altitude heremay causebreathing problem

Moreover , pressure on the lungs increasecausingbreathing trouble

to breathlessness and fatiguecan leadto breathlessness and fatigue

due to sudden block in pulmonary circulationresultsdue to sudden block in pulmonary circulation

Anxietycauses Anxiety

her blood oxygen to dropcausesher blood oxygen to drop

discomfort , shortness of breath , and sleep disorderscan causediscomfort , shortness of breath , and sleep disorders

symptomscan causesymptoms

me to think I had COPD or emphysemacausedme to think I had COPD or emphysema

to snoring and sleep apneacan leadto snoring and sleep apnea

to all sorts of conditions , like bronchitis and asthmacan leadto all sorts of conditions , like bronchitis and asthma

substantial difficulty in your lifecan causesubstantial difficulty in your life

to irritation of the nose , throat , and eyesleadsto irritation of the nose , throat , and eyes

in interrupted sleepresultin interrupted sleep

sleep apnea and in minor cases respiratory failuremay causesleep apnea and in minor cases respiratory failure

Acidosis(passive) can be caused byAcidosis

I called him " babycauseI called him " baby

from cold infection that may have ended in pneumoniaresultingfrom cold infection that may have ended in pneumonia

me to be sick a lotcausedme to be sick a lot

from respiratory disorders such as fibrosis , asthma , COPD and ARDSresultingfrom respiratory disorders such as fibrosis , asthma , COPD and ARDS

to snoringleadsto snoring

from many different factorscan resultfrom many different factors

to sleep apnea or excessive snoringcan leadto sleep apnea or excessive snoring

in difficulty sleeping ... in snoring , or in other more serious conditions such as obstructive sleep apneamay resultin difficulty sleeping ... in snoring , or in other more serious conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea

to problems sleepingleadto problems sleeping

to a poor nights sleepthus leadingto a poor nights sleep

discomfort , trouble sleeping , and other issuescan causediscomfort , trouble sleeping , and other issues


in the sleeperresultingin the sleeper


to an emergency room visitledto an emergency room visit

to asthma or bronchitiscan leadto asthma or bronchitis

to the inflammation and spasm of the lung 's air passagesleadto the inflammation and spasm of the lung 's air passages

Insomnia(passive) can be caused byInsomnia

in immediate careresultedin immediate care

to problems in the braincan leadto problems in the brain

oxygen exhaustion in the bodycausesoxygen exhaustion in the body

If the tonsils are very largecan causeIf the tonsils are very large

to pneumonialeadsto pneumonia

from an insufficient amount of air that reaches the lungs ( i.e. , hypopnea and apnearesultfrom an insufficient amount of air that reaches the lungs ( i.e. , hypopnea and apnea

to breathing by mouth during sleepleadsto breathing by mouth during sleep

to cardiac arrestleadsto cardiac arrest


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