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Qaagi - Book of Why



loss of habitat ... extreme variation in stream flowcausesstranding and scouring of early life stages

Changes in habitat conditionsmay influenceboth the survival of the early life stages and the adult stages

a widely conserved cell memory system that prevents changes in cell identity by maintaining transcription patternssetin the first stages of embryonic life , throughout development , and in adulthood

differences in arrival ordercan influencebehavior at adult and larval stages

This metamorphic checkpoint ... as indicated by its namepreventsthe larvae from developing into pupal and finally adult stages

Insect growth regulators disrupt insect developmentpreventingyounger life stages from developing into adults

that acts as an important juvenile hormone in insectsto preventpupa and larva from developing into adults

Suctoria Invertebrate Zoology , a class of highly evolved aquatic protozoans ,composedof ciliated free - living immature stages and sessile adults

the happened affairsmay influencelater life stages , puberty and adulthood

intersex in male fishcausedintersex in male fish

the treatment and control of intestinal hookworm infections(passive) caused bythe treatment and control of intestinal hookworm infections

up to 100 percent effective treatment and control of hookworm infections(passive) caused byup to 100 percent effective treatment and control of hookworm infections

River blindness ( onchocerciasis ) ... a filarial parasite transmitted by female black flies(passive) is caused byRiver blindness ( onchocerciasis ) ... a filarial parasite transmitted by female black flies

penetrant lethality and widespread necrotic cell death , independent of CED-3 caspase functioncausedpenetrant lethality and widespread necrotic cell death , independent of CED-3 caspase function

in reduced swimming performance , an observation that can not be attributed to malformed hearts but possibly impaired heart functionresultin reduced swimming performance , an observation that can not be attributed to malformed hearts but possibly impaired heart function

a pest from reproducing and thereby becoming establishedwould ... preventa pest from reproducing and thereby becoming established

Many mediators of inflammation(passive) have been discoveredMany mediators of inflammation


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