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Qaagi - Book of Why



John Courtney MurrayinfluencedVatican Council II

The changes in the Roman Mass aftercausedthe Vatican II Council

the Catholic Churchwould leadto the Second Vatican Council

Pope Giovanni XXIIIsetthe second Vatican council

In 1967 , ... Pope Paul VI in his Apostolic Letterresultingfrom the Second Vatican Council

the principlesset forthin the Second Vatican Council

the principlessetin the Second Vatican Council

Ecclesiastical changesresultingfrom the Second Vatican Council

resisting communismoriginatingin the Second Vatican Council

His research ... Catholic thoughtledto the Second Vatican Council

communismoriginatingin the Second Vatican Council

the Churchpromptedthe Second Vatican Council

a larger movementledto the Second Vatican Council

German theologiansalso influencedthe Second Vatican Council

As liberals , their thinking wasto influencethe outcome of the Second Vatican Council

the yearsleadingup to the Second Vatican Council

resistingoriginatingin the Second Vatican Council

A few years earlier , these same bishops had endeavouredto influencethe Second Vatican Council

the developmentsleadingto the Second Vatican Council

further photographs(passive) was designedSecond Vatican Council

Newmaninfluencedthe Second Vatican Council

Guardini ... whose worksinfluencedthe Second Vatican Council

the Latin Churchdiscoveredat the Second Vatican Council

the four Constitutionsresultingfrom the Second Vatican Council

the liturgical reforms adopted in the early 1960sresultingfrom the Second Vatican Council

churchinventedat the Second Vatican Council

further positions(passive) were designedSecond Vatican Council

Catholic thinkingleadinginto the Second Vatican Council

renewalresultfrom the Second Vatican Council

further researchers said(passive) influencedSecond Vatican Council

the Council Fathers ' The teaching of the universal call to holinessdid ... originatewith the Second Vatican Council

Pope John XXIII ... as he preparedto leadthe church through the Second Vatican Council

a doctrineinfluencedthe thinking of the Second Vatican Council

the nature of the church ... a doctrineinfluencedthe thinking of the Second Vatican Council

the changesresultedfrom the Second Vatican Council

the Pope and bishopscomposedthe membership of the Second Vatican Council

many Catholics ... the changesresultedfrom the Second Vatican Council

the important developmentsresultedfrom the Second Vatican Council

the greatest giftsresultedfrom the Second Vatican Council

the timeleadingto the Second Vatican Council

theology , liturgy , and ecumenism ... for Catholics and for other Christianswas influencingtheology , liturgy , and ecumenism ... for Catholics and for other Christians

theology , liturgywas influencingtheology , liturgy


theology , liturgywas influencingtheology , liturgy

many peopleinfluencedmany people

this new tone and direction with such documents as Unitatis Redintegratio ( Decree of Ecumenismsetthis new tone and direction with such documents as Unitatis Redintegratio ( Decree of Ecumenism

to major reforms in the churchledto major reforms in the church

great disturbancecausedgreat disturbance

great disturbance amongst Catholicscausedgreat disturbance amongst Catholics

a paramount of confusion among us even to this very dayhas causeda paramount of confusion among us even to this very day

in major wayscontributedin major ways

in motion the current lethargy that has in some places crippled the mission itselfsetin motion the current lethargy that has in some places crippled the mission itself

to the process of reconciliation among Christians of all churchesshould contributeto the process of reconciliation among Christians of all churches

scandal and disturbancemay have causedscandal and disturbance

to renewed engagement by the Catholic Church in the modern worldledto renewed engagement by the Catholic Church in the modern world

the lines(passive) set bythe lines

any problems(passive) caused byany problems

the two previous seats(passive) have influenced ... bythe two previous seats

to greater opennessledto greater openness

great harm to the Churchcausedgreat harm to the Church

great harmcausedgreat harm

in the schism in the Catholic Churchresultedin the schism in the Catholic Church

in significant changes to Catholic doctrine , including the churchresultedin significant changes to Catholic doctrine , including the church

an ecumenical revolutioncausedan ecumenical revolution

the Pope to exercise his apostolic ministry in this particular wayledthe Pope to exercise his apostolic ministry in this particular way

not only the Roman Churchinfluencednot only the Roman Church

in turn to a greaterhas ledin turn to a greater

the modern Roman Catholic Church that its effects are stillhas ... influencedthe modern Roman Catholic Church that its effects are still

to assess the church 's role in rapidly changing worldwere designedto assess the church 's role in rapidly changing world

the fourth deals with the Arab reactions to changing Catholic attitudes toward the Jews(passive) prompted bythe fourth deals with the Arab reactions to changing Catholic attitudes toward the Jews

the decision to the cathedral chapter , among other things(passive) had been was ... caused bythe decision to the cathedral chapter , among other things

the Catholic Churchledthe Catholic Church

to the conciliar document on religious freedom , Dignitatis Humanaecontributedto the conciliar document on religious freedom , Dignitatis Humanae

many Catholicsledmany Catholics

with its Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium , and its Decrees on Ecumenism ( Unitatis redintegratio ) and the Oriental Churches ( Orientalium Ecclesiarumhas contributedwith its Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium , and its Decrees on Ecumenism ( Unitatis redintegratio ) and the Oriental Churches ( Orientalium Ecclesiarum

to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishopsledto the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


the concept of an Episcopal Conference(passive) was setthe concept of an Episcopal Conference

to significant church reforms like the celebration of the Mass in the vernacular language instead of Latinledto significant church reforms like the celebration of the Mass in the vernacular language instead of Latin

the interfaith goals(passive) set bythe interfaith goals


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