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Qaagi - Book of Why




This stresscausestension

pressure(passive) is caused bytension

This kind of pressurecausestension

and stresscausestension



the stress the help of a qualified(passive) caused byTension

by a new burden or outside force(passive) caused bytension

anything in your lifecausingtension

Stress ... a factorcausestension

any question or problemcausingtension

My body ... stresscausestension

When we experience stress , our muscles tightencausingtension

tension causes emotions to surfacecausestension

safe Mental pressurecausingtension

many emotionscan causetension

It can also be stressfulcausestension

our desire for Truth and for the right outcome of any situation ... a waycausestension

a pressure problemcausestension

work pressurescausetension

stress ... any stimulicausestension

Any mental trauma or emotional pressurecommonly causestension

and emotions quickly rise to the surfacecausingtension

stress filled conditionscan causetension

Stress ... a conditioncausestension

emotions which can then lead to stress anxiety(passive) is caused byTension

Any type of mental trauma or emotional pressureusually causestension

Any psychological injury or emotional pressurecommonly causestension

Any kind of psychological injury or emotional pressureusually causestension

Stress ... an emotional factor ... , elevated blood pressurecan causetension

by anxiety , grief or anger(passive) caused bytension

Our daily lives ... stresscausestension

Any mental trauma or psychological pressurefrequently causestension

Mental pressurecausingtension

A situation which has seem stuckcan causetension

Stresscan causetension

by the stress in our canada life(passive) caused bytension

Any type of mental injury or emotional pressureusually causestension

Any kind of psychological injury or psychological pressurefrequently causestension

the body to tense up too , which can make the pain feel worseoften causesthe body to tense up too , which can make the pain feel worse

from adverse or demanding circumstances.resultingfrom adverse or demanding circumstances.

towards overall stresscontributestowards overall stress

our muscles to tighten and turn into tensecausesour muscles to tighten and turn into tense

to digestive problem , pains and aches and the body?s resistance to diseaseleadsto digestive problem , pains and aches and the body?s resistance to disease


to painleadsto pain

muscular stresscausesmuscular stress

pressure on the neckcausespressure on the neck

from adverse or very demanding circumstancesresultingfrom adverse or very demanding circumstances

to other emotions like anxiety or irritabilityleadsto other emotions like anxiety or irritability

from adverse or demanding circumstancesresultingfrom adverse or demanding circumstances

from adverse or very demanding circumstances ( Online Dictionaryresultingfrom adverse or very demanding circumstances ( Online Dictionary

A tension frustration(passive) is typically prompted byA tension frustration

discomfort and inflammationcausingdiscomfort and inflammation

from stress at the job or from poor positionmight resultfrom stress at the job or from poor position

to even more discomfortleadsto even more discomfort

stress that can lead to breakagewill always causestress that can lead to breakage


to pain leads to fear leads to MORE tensionleadsto pain leads to fear leads to MORE tension

muscle pressure and headachescausesmuscle pressure and headaches

to muscle stress and head achesleadsto muscle stress and head aches

A stress headache(passive) is frequently prompted byA stress headache

to painleadto pain

along with paincausesalong with pain

to muscle tightness ( muscle tension ... and cause headachescan leadto muscle tightness ( muscle tension ... and cause headaches

to paincontributesto pain

from adverse and very demanding circumstancesresultingfrom adverse and very demanding circumstances

to the paincontributingto the pain


in points like problemsmay resultin points like problems

A stress migraine(passive) is frequently caused byA stress migraine

muscle pressure and migrainescausesmuscle pressure and migraines

points like migraines , exhaustion and also hypertensionmight causepoints like migraines , exhaustion and also hypertension

the body and especially the head and face causesthe body and especially the head and face

the body and especially the headcausesthe body and especially the head

from stress , uncomfortable posture , and exerciseresultingfrom stress , uncomfortable posture , and exercise

pain , which causes you to worry more , and so oncausespain , which causes you to worry more , and so on

points like migraines , exhaustion as well as also hypertensionmight causepoints like migraines , exhaustion as well as also hypertension

constant teeth clenching , resulting in straincould also causeconstant teeth clenching , resulting in strain


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