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Qaagi - Book of Why



Both pressure and fatty acid components of cell membraneswould influencemembrane fluidity

by cold(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

Factorsinfluencingmembrane Fluidity

by membrane composition(passive) is influenced bymembrane fluidity

many factors , some of which are cholesterol content , fatty acid profile , and degree of lipid peroxidation(passive) is influenced byMembrane fluidity

Cholesterolinfluencesmembrane fluidity

by altered membrane lipid content(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

The proteins too have been shownto causemembrane fluidity

that helpinfluencemembrane fluidity

by altered phospholipid fatty acid content(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

by ethanol(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

fatty acidsinfluencemembrane fluidity

its components(passive) is also influenced byMembrane fluidity

the components of the membrane(passive) is also influenced byMembrane fluidity

by lipid peroxidation(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

thingscausemembrane fluidity

the factorsinfluencingmembrane fluidity

by temperature and membrane composition(passive) is influenced bymembrane fluidity

by oxidative stress(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

by membrane composition and temperature(passive) is influenced bymembrane fluidity

by temperature and membrane composition 3(passive) is influenced bymembrane fluidity

by PEA(passive) caused bymembrane fluidity

neurotransmitter receptor activitymay influenceneurotransmitter receptor activity

the activity of membrane - bound enzymescan influencethe activity of membrane - bound enzymes

in altered membrane protein activityresultsin altered membrane protein activity

reduced insulin binding to receptors on cellular membranes and reduced insulin actioncausesreduced insulin binding to receptors on cellular membranes and reduced insulin action


to increased membrane permeabilityleadingto increased membrane permeability

the efficiency of H. pylori vesicle uptakeinfluencesthe efficiency of H. pylori vesicle uptake

increased insulin binding to receptor sites and prevents the development to insulin resistancecausesincreased insulin binding to receptor sites and prevents the development to insulin resistance



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