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Qaagi - Book of Why



seeing a pregnant girl on TVcausesteen pregnancy in society

the effect that peer pressure has on young people and to what extentcausesteenage pregnancy

teenagersinfluencesteenage pregnancy

Teen pregnancycausesTeenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to sexual existencecould causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to sexual existencemay causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to intimate existencecould causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with college essays existencecould causeteenage pregnancy

Having unprotected sex while being a teenager iscausesteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to intimate lifecould causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with college essays existencecan causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to intimate existencemay causeteenage pregnancy

by a lack of parental guidance and support(passive) is caused byteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to sexual lifecan causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with sexual lifecould causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early exposure to intimate lifestylemay causeteenage pregnancy

by the teens behavior(passive) is caused byteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early experience of sexual lifecan causeteenage pregnancy

the factorscauseteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with intimate lifecould causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with intimate lifestylecan causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early experience of intimate lifemay causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with intimate lifecan causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early experience of intimate lifestylecan causeteenage pregnancy

Legalization of abortion and early contact with intimate existencecan causeteenage pregnancy

online early contact with intimate lifestylecan causeteenage pregnancy

Another elementinfluencesteenage pregnancy

Factorsinfluencingteenage pregnancy

peer pressurecausesteenage pregnancy

by many unfortunate actions teenagers(passive) 's caused byteenage pregnancy

the mediainfluencesteenage pregnancy

legalization of abortion exposure to intimate lifestyle(passive) can be caused byTeenage pregnancy

many factorsinfluencingteenage pregnancy

family planningcausesteenage pregnancy

peer pressure , lack of sexual education , drugs , poverty , and lack of parental guidance , inadequate knowledge about safe sex , sexual abuse and media influence(passive) can also be caused byTeenage pregnancy

simple solutionsto causesteenage pregnancy

by poverty ... poor parenting , inadequate understanding of sexual and reproductive health(passive) is ... caused byteenage pregnancy

by poverty , poor parenting , inadequate understanding of sexual and reproductive health(passive) is ... causedteenage pregnancy

also(passive) may ... be causedTeenage pregnancy

by teenage drinking(passive) caused byTeenage pregnancy

mightily to many social problems ... that national leaders shy away from declaring that it is wrong , and that initiatives to reduce teen pregnancies are disjointed , little noticed , and poorly supportedcontributesmightily to many social problems ... that national leaders shy away from declaring that it is wrong , and that initiatives to reduce teen pregnancies are disjointed , little noticed , and poorly supported

mightily to many social problemscontributesmightily to many social problems

A Teenagers LifeCan InfluenceA Teenagers Life

to negative psychological effects including depression and resentmentcan leadto negative psychological effects including depression and resentment

your teen pregnancy(passive) is caused byyour teen pregnancy

in some homeshas provokedin some homes

to teen marriagesShould ... leadto teen marriages

to adolescentsleadsto adolescents

to the problem of welfare dependencycan ... leadto the problem of welfare dependency

to abortionleadsto abortion

to major consequencescan leadto major consequences

to young mothersleadsto young mothers


she saidledshe said


and effect essayCauseand effect essay

to negative socioeconomic and education of the youthresultsto negative socioeconomic and education of the youth

social outcomesmay ... influencesocial outcomes

to abortionsleadsto abortions

to teenage parenthoodleadsto teenage parenthood

to single - parentingleadsto single - parenting

to socioeconomic difficulties for the young mothers ... along with pre - term birth , low - birth - weight babies and high infant mortality ratesledto socioeconomic difficulties for the young mothers ... along with pre - term birth , low - birth - weight babies and high infant mortality rates

a quality essaycausea quality essay

to child marriageleadsto child marriage

the girls to quit on their studies and plan marriages at an early ageleadsthe girls to quit on their studies and plan marriages at an early age

to school dropoutresultsto school dropout

tension in the girls ' familiescausestension in the girls ' families



to schoolhas ledto school

to abortionmay ... leadto abortion

to been drop out of schoolleadsto been drop out of school

in a child who will become a teenage parentfrequently resultsin a child who will become a teenage parent

into underweight childmay resultinto underweight child

to early marriagehas ledto early marriage

heavily to the poverty levels in the region where 20 per cent of women have had at least one child by the age of 19 years , leading to burden on already strained social welfare systemshas contributedheavily to the poverty levels in the region where 20 per cent of women have had at least one child by the age of 19 years , leading to burden on already strained social welfare systems

to the poverty levels in the region where 20 per cent of women have had at least one child by the age of 19 years , leading to burden on already strained social welfare systemshas contributedto the poverty levels in the region where 20 per cent of women have had at least one child by the age of 19 years , leading to burden on already strained social welfare systems

to high school dropout rates among girlsleadsto high school dropout rates among girls

in high teenage fertility and adolescentresultingin high teenage fertility and adolescent

to the school drop - out rates of adolescent girlscontributesto the school drop - out rates of adolescent girls


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