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Qaagi - Book of Why



intergenerational traumahas resultedin systemic oppression

Explore personal dispositions , attitudes , and stancescontributeto systemic oppression

the federal government is laws , and not technical meanspreventrampant , systemic oppression

laws , and not technical means [ i.e. the capabilities in themselvespreventrampant , systemic oppression

an outlet for healing from and coping with the traumaresultsfrom systemic oppression

institutional structurescreatesystematic oppression

Racism is a grievous sinresultingin systemic oppression

my people towards them(passive) was caused bysystematic oppression

known deaths and disappearancesresultingfrom systemic oppression

the structure of their work continuesto createsystemic oppression

it 's not like by figuring out what 's wrong systemicallycausessystemic oppression

the root cause issuescausesystemic oppression

Oppression in America is a race - based phenomenon as well as one that is class - basedcreatingintersectional oppression

Allowing them to exist in their privilege , unbothered , continuesto contributeto systemic oppression

how our organization may be interacting with other institutionsto createsystemic oppression

connections between personal experiences and larger social and political structuresresultingfrom systemic oppression

the people who turn those aspirations into laws ... the onescreatedthe systemic oppression

Everything from colonization , segregation , police brutality , red lining , mass incarceration , food apartheid , education disparity , etc , continuesto contributeto systemic oppression

These dehumanization strategies , when backed by power and privilegeresultin systemic oppression

Hierarchal Pressure , mixed with prejudice , andleadssystematic oppression

capitalism(passive) caused bythe systemic oppression

government and politicians(passive) created BYsystematic oppression

to recreate the systemto preventsystematic oppression

unjust laws(passive) created bythe systemic oppression

performances that reminded us of the deep human sufferingresultsfrom systemic oppression

the Democrat policiesare causingthe systemic oppression

she saidcreatessystematic oppression

The recent deaths of African American citizens , andhave createdthe overt systemic oppression

slavery(passive) caused bysystematic oppression

a responsibility to cater to the specific traumasresultfrom systemic oppression

the murder of George Floyd(passive) triggered by/ Systemic oppression

ecological damageresultingfrom systemic oppression

the actions of rioters in Baltimore and Ferguson who , in my opinion , are doing exactly what these armchair patriots say is necessaryto preventsystemic oppression

exactly what these armchair patriots ... is necessaryto preventsystemic oppression

spoken or unspoken policies , written and unwritten laws , gender bias that has kept girls and women less than where their God - given gifts , talents , and exceptional brain cells ought to have been showcased and much more than that(passive) especially caused bythe systemic oppression

Each culture , each society , each city and neighborhood ... individuals , sinful individualscontributeto systemic oppression

my own privilege and the wayscontributeto systemic oppression

the historical debtresultingfrom systemic oppression

Hooks ... other social factorscauseintersectional oppression

when privilege combines with stereotypes and powerto createsystemic oppression

unimaginable pain(passive) caused byunimaginable pain

wounds(passive) caused bywounds

in financial distressresultingin financial distress

the pain within us nor the brokenness in our society(passive) is caused bythe pain within us nor the brokenness in our society

by way of blackballing Colin’re preventingby way of blackballing Colin

ongoing trauma(passive) caused byongoing trauma

racial traumacausesracial trauma

to poor health outcomes , extraordinary costs , and rampant inequityleadsto poor health outcomes , extraordinary costs , and rampant inequity

to divide and harm underrepresented folxwas createdto divide and harm underrepresented folx

Violence against women(passive) is caused byViolence against women

to poor health outcomes , extraordinary costs , and rampant inequalityleadsto poor health outcomes , extraordinary costs , and rampant inequality

the conditions that promote these behaviorscreatesthe conditions that promote these behaviors

that " need " to memorialize after the factcreatesthat " need " to memorialize after the fact

post traumatic stress(passive) caused bypost traumatic stress

the centuries - long suffering(passive) caused bythe centuries - long suffering

risks for black people to be killedhas createdrisks for black people to be killed

barriers for many vulnerable populationscreatebarriers for many vulnerable populations

barriers unrelated to your value as a personcreatesbarriers unrelated to your value as a person

to many of these issues in the first placeledto many of these issues in the first place

us to this place of intense civil unresthas ledus to this place of intense civil unrest

additional barriers for survivors accessing resourcesmay createadditional barriers for survivors accessing resources

in violence and decreased opportunities for womenresultsin violence and decreased opportunities for women

barriers to the services and care that we need when we are trying to plan our families ... have a healthy pregnancy and raise our children in safety and with dignitycreatesbarriers to the services and care that we need when we are trying to plan our families ... have a healthy pregnancy and raise our children in safety and with dignity

other diverse women from advancing or gaining entrypreventsother diverse women from advancing or gaining entry

us to talk about loss and process our loss collectively , lesshas causedus to talk about loss and process our loss collectively , less

women from enjoying the same rights and freedoms afforded to their male peerspreventedwomen from enjoying the same rights and freedoms afforded to their male peers

to one of that systemic oppression ’s main character ’s climactic acts of self - destructionleadsto one of that systemic oppression ’s main character ’s climactic acts of self - destruction

the racial equity gap we have today ... if I hear one more person tell me they ’ve been meaning to watch 13TH , buthas createdthe racial equity gap we have today ... if I hear one more person tell me they ’ve been meaning to watch 13TH , but

non - conscious and bad habits , such as resentment and self - degradation , among the oppressed peoplecausesnon - conscious and bad habits , such as resentment and self - degradation , among the oppressed people

to the injustice and inequality that plagues marginalized groups in the United Stateshas ledto the injustice and inequality that plagues marginalized groups in the United States

to the genocide of black and brown bodieshas contributedto the genocide of black and brown bodies

them to assert their independence in whatever waycausingthem to assert their independence in whatever way

the rise of helplessnesspreventingthe rise of helplessness

tears(passive) caused bytears

to ‘ fake news ’ depressionleadsto ‘ fake news ’ depression

to the efficiency of the slaves oppressing each otherleadsto the efficiency of the slaves oppressing each other

The illusions(passive) created byThe illusions

inequities(passive) caused byinequities

current day power dynamicshas influencedcurrent day power dynamics

a period of racial violence , lynchings and segregationcreatinga period of racial violence , lynchings and segregation


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