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Qaagi - Book of Why




ancient mythologies and modern religions(passive) influenced bysymbolism

by ancient mythologies and modern religions(passive) influenced bysymbolism

orderto discoverthe symbolism

artist Chris Edwards(passive) was designed bySymbolism

to be an art historianto discoverthe symbolism

by ancient mythologies and religions(passive) influenced bysymbolism

by Masonic imagery(passive) heavily influenced bysymbolism

an abstractionleadsto symbolism

by feminism(passive) heavily influenced bysymbolism

also(passive) is ... setSymbolism

helpdiscoverthe symbolism

The power of imaginationleadsto symbolism

distinct imagery ... all of whichleadto symbolism

the use of myth to communicate the sense one has made of the worldleadsto symbolism

meaningoriginatingfrom symbolism

matterdiscoverthe symbolism

the Rider Waite Smith deck(passive) influenced bysymbolism

by the Rider Waite Smith deck(passive) influenced bysymbolism

by the Rider Waite Smith deck(passive) lightly influenced bysymbolism

the Rider Waite Smith deck(passive) lightly influenced bysymbolism

The use of literary devices such ascontributessymbolism

artist Kristian Fly coat of arms(passive) Designed bySymbolism

the cinematographercontributesto the symbolism

Writing them down helpsmight discoverthe symbolism

attention ... a styleinfluencedthe symbolism

the poetry ... a styleinfluencedthe symbolism

by tradition and folklore(passive) prompted bysymbolism

by tradition(passive) prompted bysymbolism

different cultures through her rich travelling experiences(passive) influenced bysymbolism

by the way the deck was constructed(passive) caused bysymbolism

the idearesultsin symbolism

by a pre - scientific people(passive) invented bysymbolism

Dreamscontributeto symbolism

by social power and religion(passive) influenced bysymbolism

Their workoriginatedfrom symbolism

for this purpose(passive) is designedThe symbolism

The earth and sun bothcontributeto the symbolism

Studentsdiscoverthe symbolism

The combination of a hands - on approach that instils quality of materials and execution with an acute appreciation of context in terms of history , meaning , andhas ledsymbolism

to truth about usleadsto truth about us

from the human anatomy and therefore belongs to the top elements of the hierarchy of symbolsresultsfrom the human anatomy and therefore belongs to the top elements of the hierarchy of symbols

to truthleadsto truth

to convey information about the person or eventdesignedto convey information about the person or event

to convey information about the person or eventdesignedto convey information about the person or event

His motifs(passive) are influenced byHis motifs

This world(passive) is influenced byThis world

to traditions , cultures , religions , concepts , superstitions , and feelingscontributeto traditions , cultures , religions , concepts , superstitions , and feelings

such confusionwould causesuch confusion

to relate to Israelwas designedto relate to Israel

our timesinfluenceour times

to a meaningful onenessleadingto a meaningful oneness

to take the viewer into the Mystery of the Trinitydesignedto take the viewer into the Mystery of the Trinity

to take the viewer into the Mystery of the Trinitydesignedto take the viewer into the Mystery of the Trinity

to represent fragmented ideas created by the subconscious minddesignedto represent fragmented ideas created by the subconscious mind

in the 19th centuryapparently originatingin the 19th century

a bigger onepaintsa bigger one

in the revolt of certain French poetsoriginatedin the revolt of certain French poets

to his mystical touch and elements of surrealism and personal fantasyleadsto his mystical touch and elements of surrealism and personal fantasy

to a meaningful statementleadingto a meaningful statement

to the moodcontributesto the mood

to teach their audiencedesignedto teach their audience

along the roadsetalong the road

from the western esoteric traditions of alchemy and astrology into works of art ... including funerary monuments.[1originatedfrom the western esoteric traditions of alchemy and astrology into works of art ... including funerary monuments.[1

along the road to help us understand a certain situation in our lifesetalong the road to help us understand a certain situation in our life

subconscious ideas , the fantasy of inner imagesprovokessubconscious ideas , the fantasy of inner images

from a Christian contextoriginatingfrom a Christian context

This planet(passive) is influenced byThis planet

in dream analysisdiscoveredin dream analysis

Parnassianism(passive) influenced byParnassianism

the picturepaintsthe picture

a tonesetsa tone

to a themeleadingto a theme

to the ... ringcontributesto the ... ring


from religionoriginatingfrom religion

in Franceoriginatedin France

in Franceoriginatedin France

in Franceoriginatedin France

a community(passive) strongly influenced bya community


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