Five initiatives by Akufo - Addo 's governmenthave sparkedcontroversies in Ghana
His recent mimic assertions of Rawlings , issuing stupid threats directed at the government and the NPP , shamelessly claiming that the 2004 elections were rigged and that should the NDC fail to win the 2008 elections , they would of 100 % certaintycausecommotion in Ghana
who may wantto causemischief in Ghana
His deathsparkeduproar in Ghana
British call for gay rightscausesuproar in Ghana
endorsing any producerto contributecrap in Ghana
Eze Ohazurume 1ledIgbos in Ghana
Newspaper pictures showing the woman 's injuriescausedrevulsion in Ghana
big - data epidemic prevention app in Ghana South Korean telco KT has launched a high - quality health appto preventepidemics in Ghana
New oil field(passive) discovered byNew oil field
a lot of PayPal accountsshould be creatinga lot of PayPal accounts
the recently recorded damages(passive) caused bythe recently recorded damages
a transparent and accountable system in reporting petroleum revenuesto createa transparent and accountable system in reporting petroleum revenues
Your planner(passive) was designed byYour planner
every job(passive) created byevery job
a general profile and fill in the registration form on July and Augustcreatea general profile and fill in the registration form on July and August
a general profile on general profile on