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Qaagi - Book of Why



bleeding through a tear ( rupture ) in the blood(passive) is caused bystroke

a block ( blood clot ) in the blood vessel(passive) is caused bystroke

thrombus formation in the carotid arteries(passive) is often caused bystroke

embolic or thrombotic occlusion of a cerebral artery(passive) is caused bystroke

by bleeding into the brain and stroke caused by blockage of blood flow(passive) caused bystroke

by : a blood clot obstructing the flow of blood to the brain ( ischaemic stroke ) bleeding in or around(passive) is causedstroke

Strokes occurring in this situation are usually the result of surgically dislodged plaques from the aorta that travel through the bloodstream to the arteries in the neck and headcausingstroke

by a blockage in the brain(passive) caused bystroke

by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel supplying the brain(passive) caused byStroke

a blood clot blocking a blood vessel supplying the brain(passive) caused byStroke

by blockage of an artery that supplies blood to the brain -- also known as " cerebral infarction(passive) caused byStroke

by narrowing or blockages in the arteries leading to the brain(passive) caused bystroke

by a clot from stroke caused by bleeding(passive) caused bystroke

a clot from stroke caused by bleeding(passive) caused bystroke

by bleeding deep within the brain basically either a blood vessel or an aneurysm burst releasing a significant volume of blood into the brain tissue(passive) caused bystroke

by a blood clot blocking blood flowing through an artery or to your brain(passive) caused bystroke

by a blood clot that blocks blood flow to the brain and is responsible for 80 % of all strokes ) over that time(passive) caused bystroke

chiropractic treatment and tearing of neck arteriescausingstroke

by a blood clot that blocks blood flow in or near the brain(passive) caused bystroke

by blood vessel damage outside the brain(passive) caused byStroke

carotid artery disease ... a leading vascular complicationcausesstroke

by blockage of the arteries that carry blood to the brain(passive) caused bystroke

then travel to blood vessels leading to the braincausingstroke

by a blockage in an artery and a ? bleed(passive) caused bystroke

vessel occlusion ( ie ischemic strokes , the most common cause of stroke ) and stroke caused by rupture of a blood vessel ( ie hemorrhagic strokes , the most catastrophic cause of stroke(passive) caused bystroke

rupture of a blood vessel ( ie hemorrhagic strokes , the most catastrophic cause of stroke(passive) caused bystroke

by a blockage in one of the veins in the neck or brain(passive) caused byStroke

by blood clots blocking the arteries supplying the brain(passive) caused bystroke

block a vessel in the braincausingstroke

by internal carotid or middle cerebral artery occlusion(passive) caused bystroke

by a lack of blood flow to the brain as a result of blocked arteries or clots(passive) caused bystroke

emboli that block an artery in the braincan causestroke

by a blocked blood supply in the brain(passive) caused byStroke

by a clot that blocks blood flow in or leading to the brain(passive) caused bystroke

by a blood clot in the brain that cuts off the oxygen supply(passive) caused bystroke

by a blockage in an artery supplying part of the brain(passive) caused byStroke

by a blocked artery , especially small arteries(passive) caused bystroke

by bleeding around the brain(passive) caused bystroke

An untreated blood flow reduction and plaque in arteriesmay causestroke

by bleeding at the base of the brain(passive) caused bystroke

in death or permanent disabilitycan resultin death or permanent disability

numbness on the right side of the bodycan causenumbness on the right side of the body

by bleeding into the brain and stroke caused by blockage of blood flowcausedby bleeding into the brain and stroke caused by blockage of blood flow

to his death a little over two weeks later in the United Statesleadsto his death a little over two weeks later in the United States

by blood clots or blockage of blood vessels at the back of the braincausedby blood clots or blockage of blood vessels at the back of the brain

Common Causes Of Strokes Stroke is defined as a health related disorder in which the health of the braincausesCommon Causes Of Strokes Stroke is defined as a health related disorder in which the health of the brain

Brain damage(passive) caused byBrain damage

paralysis on her right side and took away her ability to speakcausedparalysis on her right side and took away her ability to speak

swallowing problem Pcausedswallowing problem P

from a block or rupture of a blood vessel in the brainresultingfrom a block or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain

to the development of cognitive disorderscontributesto the development of cognitive disorders

by bleeding A strokecausedby bleeding A stroke

by bleeding A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain stopscausedby bleeding A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain stops

bleeding into or around the braincan causebleeding into or around the brain

from a blockage in the blood vessels supplying the brainresultsfrom a blockage in the blood vessels supplying the brain

Stroke symptomscausesStroke symptoms

to impairment of hand activitymay leadto impairment of hand activity

from a traveling blood clot that blocks a blood vessel in the braincan resultfrom a traveling blood clot that blocks a blood vessel in the brain

in a loss of movement on one side of the body andresultsin a loss of movement on one side of the body and

Death(passive) was caused byDeath

to impairment on hand activitymay leadto impairment on hand activity

paralysis of one sideoften causesparalysis of one side

to a loss of voluntary control over motor movementsresultsto a loss of voluntary control over motor movements

in loss of movement of one of the armsoften resultsin loss of movement of one of the arms

by Bleeding in the Brain Severecausedby Bleeding in the Brain Severe

damage(passive) caused bydamage

paralysis or weakness of one sidemay causeparalysis or weakness of one side

from a blood clot in the brainresultingfrom a blood clot in the brain

in the loss of movement to one side of the bodycan resultin the loss of movement to one side of the body

to , Symptoms , Treatment - Cerebrovascular accidentLeadsto , Symptoms , Treatment - Cerebrovascular accident

in the loss of movementcan resultin the loss of movement

disabilitycan causedisability

A stroke occurs due to the interruption of blood supply to the brainCausesA stroke occurs due to the interruption of blood supply to the brain

someone to lose the ability to walk , speak , see , movecan causesomeone to lose the ability to walk , speak , see , move

brain damagecausesbrain damage

when there is any blockage in the flow of blood to the brain due to any blood clotresultswhen there is any blockage in the flow of blood to the brain due to any blood clot

The death(passive) was caused byThe death

through either a blockage or a bleed in the brainis causedthrough either a blockage or a bleed in the brain

weakness down one side of the bodygenerally causesweakness down one side of the body

from either a blockage in one of the arteries supplying the brain or bleeding from one of these arteries into the brainresultsfrom either a blockage in one of the arteries supplying the brain or bleeding from one of these arteries into the brain


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