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Qaagi - Book of Why



by architect John M. Donaldson of Donaldson and Meier in the Art Deco style(passive) designed bystreet levelwas

to be the most precious help during a car trip(passive) has been designedSTREET GUARDIAN+

shop on the sidewalk ... and is frequented by the localssetshop on the sidewalk ... and is frequented by the locals

up tables filled with candy bars to attract passersbysetup tables filled with candy bars to attract passersby

up shop on the road spacehad setup shop on the road space

up shop on various street cornershave setup shop on various street corners

multiple injuriescausingmultiple injuries

the chaos(passive) caused bythe chaos

the encumbrance(passive) caused bythe encumbrance

of marble with a twenty - foot ceiling of Roman architecture classic designcomposedof marble with a twenty - foot ceiling of Roman architecture classic design


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