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Qaagi - Book of Why



injury(passive) is caused bystrain

by excessive impact(passive) caused bystrain

Thermal strains Temperature changecan also causestrain

Strains due to heavy lifting , stretching , and bendingcan causestrain

A forcecausingstrain

Elbow strains , Hand strain , Forearm straincausesStrain

activitymay causestrain

a. Stresscausesstrain

Stresswill causestrain

by way of a cross with the individual(passive) designed bystrain

stress(passive) may be caused byStrain

Stresshas causedstrain

by Stress and Temperature(passive) Caused byStrain

And likelyto causestrain

Strain Stresscausesstrain


This pressurecan causestrain

Stress iscausesStrain

by a single or repeated motion Exposure (passive) caused bystrain

by way of crossing the common Chocolate Diesel X Bitter Diesel strains(passive) designed bystrain

exerted linked here on a material bodycausingstrain

by pulling standard handle systems(passive) caused bystrain

Transforming one strain changed into the diseasecausingstrain

so that stress can be exerted ( ... on a solid materialcausingstrain

The type of mechanical forcecausesstrain

The tension can travel to the eyescausingstrain

Forearm straincausesStrain

loading conditions(passive) is influenced byStrain

by stress (passive) caused bystrain

by stress (passive) caused by strain ...

A force per unit areacausesstrain

by the stress(passive) caused bystrain

by repeated infection(passive) is caused bystrain

by the high arterial pressure;it(passive) caused bystrain

Too much twisting and bendingcan causestrain


> Avoid activitiescausesstrain

The twist of the neck for a prolonged period of timecan causestrain

any strenuous activities ... anythingwill causestrain

pushing , pulling , lifting , bending , or twisting(passive) Can ... be caused bystrain

a global pandemiccauseda global pandemic

the recent outbreakhas causedthe recent outbreak

headachecan regularly causeheadache


the recent outbreak of over 1200 cases in 43 stateshas causedthe recent outbreak of over 1200 cases in 43 states


from an illnessresultingfrom an illness

to its relatively higher THC concentrationcontributesto its relatively higher THC concentration

the problemcausingthe problem

from a stress acting upon the composite structureresultingfrom a stress acting upon the composite structure

the diseasecausingthe disease



from external application of stress forcesresultingfrom external application of stress forces

disease formmay influencedisease form

Stress(passive) can be caused byStress

painto causepain

the outbreakcausingthe outbreak

through a cross of your classic SFV OG X Afghani strainsdesignedthrough a cross of your classic SFV OG X Afghani strains

to the development of Stressleadsto the development of Stress

in tension taking incan resultin tension taking in

via a cross on the pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strainsdesignedvia a cross on the pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strains

aside and coolsetaside and cool

this diseaseto causethis disease

through a cross of your pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strainsdesignedthrough a cross of your pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strains

to inflammationcontributesto inflammation

The infection(passive) is certainly caused byThe infection

through a cross of the pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strainsdesignedthrough a cross of the pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strains

from heavy lifting , work , or stressresultingfrom heavy lifting , work , or stress

its outbreakcan causeits outbreak

via a cross in the pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strainsdesignedvia a cross in the pungent Bubba Kush X Cheese strains

your headmay causeyour head

from more than - activitymay resultfrom more than - activity

Stress(passive) is often caused byStress

from adverse or demanding situationsresultsfrom adverse or demanding situations

from overuse , excessive stretching or stresscan resultfrom overuse , excessive stretching or stress

The twisting or pulling of a muscle or tendonCausesThe twisting or pulling of a muscle or tendon

this swine flu outbreak has mutatedis causingthis swine flu outbreak has mutated

as a result of crossing the infamous SFV OG X Blue Power strainsdesignedas a result of crossing the infamous SFV OG X Blue Power strains

stress and other critical featurescausesstress and other critical features


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