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Qaagi - Book of Why



all attemptsto influencecapture State

deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo(passive) led bystate capture

his countrymay have inventedstate capture

deputy chief justice(passive) led bystate - capture

The EU ... thosecausestate capture

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Monday(passive) led bystate capture

by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo(passive) led bystate capture

Malemainventedstate capture

A second Madonsela reportresultedState of Capture

to a culture of impunityhas ledto a culture of impunity

to begin on Mondaysetto begin on Monday

in grand corruption 2resultsin grand corruption 2

to divisions among ANC members , broader society Ramaphosacontributedto divisions among ANC members , broader society Ramaphosa

The damage(passive) caused byThe damage

in the emergence of a splinter party from within the ANC ... backed by the more pragmatic faction ... and an effective breakup of the ANCcould resultin the emergence of a splinter party from within the ANC ... backed by the more pragmatic faction ... and an effective breakup of the ANC

to the breakdown of the supervisory institutions of democracyleadsto the breakdown of the supervisory institutions of democracy

the diversions(passive) caused bythe diversions

the damaged(passive) caused bythe damaged

to privatisation of governanceleadsto privatisation of governance

in financial institutions withdrawing credit linesresultedin financial institutions withdrawing credit lines

to the collapse of several state departmentshas ledto the collapse of several state departments

government tendersinfluencedgovernment tenders

significantly to unemploymenthas contributedsignificantly to unemployment

to tobaccoleadto tobacco

to divisions among ANC memberscontributedto divisions among ANC members

South Africahas setSouth Africa

to both the direct costs of lost revenuesleadsto both the direct costs of lost revenues


to state failurehas ledto state failure

mistrust between the masses and the ANCcausedmistrust between the masses and the ANC

in South Africahas causedin South Africa

within Eskomcausedwithin Eskom


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