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Qaagi - Book of Why



deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo on Monday(passive) led bystate capture

the Gupta Brothers who fled the country on the eve of former president Jacob Zuma(passive) led bystate capture

former president , Jacob Zuma , members of his cabinet and other powerful people(passive) allegedly led bystate capture

Tendai Biti 's countrymay have inventedstate capture

deputy chief Mining amp(passive) led bystate capture

Cosatu , the country ’s largest trade union federation(passive) led byState capture

20 members The Fund for Transparent Slovakia had 20 member companies , all united by an interest to help NGOs active in the fight against corruption ... the promotion of state transparency and the creation of toolsto preventstate capture

# Ramaphosa100Days pic.twitter.com/yE9glBwxw0 " Could I have done anything differentto preventstate capture

Just last month the former Minister of Finance in Zimbabwe , Mr Tendai Biti , said thisinventedstate capture

Other deviceswould triggercapture state

so muchcreatedstate capture

neededto preventstate capture

The only wayto preventstate capture

unableto preventcapture of the state

A race against timeto preventstate capture

the media(passive) was created bystate capture

the ANC was putting measures in placeto preventstate capture

incentives ... the businessto preventstate capture

how poorly functioning states areto preventstate capture

it would be appropriateto setup state capture

These effects compoundedeventually provokingstate capture

attemptsto preventstate capture

to pressurise Zumato setup State capture

to begin on Monday in Johannesburg(passive) is setState capture

pretoria ] - NPA unit head Hermione Cronjeto leadstate capture

| Transparency New Zealand « reply from auditor general Horses die on the Hobbit filmset» State capture

the nefarious Gupta family(passive) led bystate capture

takento preventstate capture

some sinister forces who want to undermine the so - called radical economic transformation(passive) was created bystate capture

for personal enrichment(passive) was designedState capture

The public protector in her reporthas setState of Capture

The EU ... thosecausestate capture

how Zuma failedto preventstate capture

A second Madonsela reportresultedState of Capture

the immense damage(passive) caused bythe immense damage

an environment in which institutions have had to be more resilient as usual to deal with concomitant pressuresalso createdan environment in which institutions have had to be more resilient as usual to deal with concomitant pressures

in systemic damage at Eskomhad resultedin systemic damage at Eskom

massive damage to SOEshas causedmassive damage to SOEs

the obscene looting and devastation(passive) caused bythe obscene looting and devastation

demonstrable damage to our country and the ANChas causeddemonstrable damage to our country and the ANC

in damage to financial and operational capacityresultedin damage to financial and operational capacity

significantly to unemploymenthas contributedsignificantly to unemployment

malfeasance and corruption(passive) caused bymalfeasance and corruption

down a slippery slope to dictatorshipwas leadingdown a slippery slope to dictatorship

massive damage to the country 's state - owned enterprises and its economyhas causedmassive damage to the country 's state - owned enterprises and its economy

enormous damage to economic infrastructure ... finances of state - owned enterprises ( SOEs ) and the South African economycausedenormous damage to economic infrastructure ... finances of state - owned enterprises ( SOEs ) and the South African economy

to political interference during judicial and anti - corruption investigationsleadsto political interference during judicial and anti - corruption investigations

havoc ... with the economy 2017 - 10 - 16 17:11 Business Leadership South Africa new CEO , Bonang Mohalehas ... causedhavoc ... with the economy 2017 - 10 - 16 17:11 Business Leadership South Africa new CEO , Bonang Mohale

a social rebellion in South Africa ... with the result that ex - President Jacob Zuma actually lost his job ... and may eventually go to prison for what he didhas causeda social rebellion in South Africa ... with the result that ex - President Jacob Zuma actually lost his job ... and may eventually go to prison for what he did

to creation of a rent seeking state , where corruption shrives , becomes systemic and entrenched in government and public serviceleadsto creation of a rent seeking state , where corruption shrives , becomes systemic and entrenched in government and public service

to consequencesleadingto consequences

to mental state captureleadsto mental state capture

to become even worsesetto become even worse

the fiscal crisis(passive) created bythe fiscal crisis

“ a culture that says if the top can steal I can steal toohad created“ a culture that says if the top can steal I can steal too

to take more ten years to resolvesetto take more ten years to resolve

a front to rebuild our politics , society and grow the economyCreatea front to rebuild our politics , society and grow the economy

government appointmentsis influencinggovernment appointments

public service brain draincausedpublic service brain drain

most of us to withdraw behind our two meter walls and electric fenceshas causedmost of us to withdraw behind our two meter walls and electric fences

to significant social lossesleadsto significant social losses

a rolling - shutter - like bugcausinga rolling - shutter - like bug

to debt trap Consumersleadsto debt trap Consumers

a two - government countrycreatesa two - government country

to a mistrust of political leadershas ledto a mistrust of political leaders

and maintained through restrictions on competition and entry in strategic sectorsis createdand maintained through restrictions on competition and entry in strategic sectors

a culture where service is not deliveredcreatesa culture where service is not delivered

to the gutting of the criminal justice systemhas contributedto the gutting of the criminal justice system


the chaos(passive) triggered bythe chaos

us to lose confidence in government and state institutionscausesus to lose confidence in government and state institutions

in the futurewould ... be preventedin the future

a free website or blog at WordPress.comCreatea free website or blog at WordPress.com

in billions and billions of South African Rand landing up in the wrong handsresultedin billions and billions of South African Rand landing up in the wrong hands


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