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Qaagi - Book of Why



vulnerabilitycould leadto spoofing

Use of arbitrary names to identify userscould leadto spoofing

Processing maliciously crafted web contentmay leadto spoofing

by another(passive) were ... composed bySpoofing

Use this option with cautioncan ... leadto spoofing

the Do not require sender authentication option with cautioncan leadto spoofing

Multiple flaw ... to - An error in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto spoofing

An error in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto spoofing

Multiple flaw ... An error in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto spoofing

A coding deficiencymay leadto spoofing

A cross - site scripting ( XSS ) vulnerabilitycould resultin spoofing

Multiple flaws ... : - An error in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto spoofing

An open redirect vulnerabilitycould leadto spoofing

never adding your own domain or any specific email address on your domaincan causespoofing

One of the security threatleadsto spoofing

An open redirect vulnerability exists in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto Spoofing

an Important class updatecould resultin spoofing

Description : An open redirect vulnerability exists in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto spoofing

Analysis An open redirect vulnerability exists in Microsoft Exchangecould leadto spoofing


the versionresultby spoofing

the poor realization of the tcp protocolcan resultin spoofing

as random ipsetas random ip

erroneous authentication(passive) caused byerroneous authentication

to mislead youmostly designedto mislead you

look - alike bansettinglook - alike ban

a decision made by the user to be based on fake informationcan causea decision made by the user to be based on fake information

in significant damagecan resultin significant damage

messages to appearcausingmessages to appear

people to release sensitive information -- such as Social Security and credit card numbers -- to those who then use the information to commit identity thefthas ledpeople to release sensitive information -- such as Social Security and credit card numbers -- to those who then use the information to commit identity theft

to DoS attacksleadingto DoS attacks

the fake battery monitoringdiscoveredthe fake battery monitoring

to unauthorised accessleadingto unauthorised access

prevent erroneous authentication(passive) caused byprevent erroneous authentication

mode confusionto causemode confusion

harm , defraud , or wrongfully obtain anything of valueto ... causeharm , defraud , or wrongfully obtain anything of value

the same responsecausesthe same response

from a clients website or online systemoriginatingfrom a clients website or online system

alsohas ... ledalso


US businesses to lose billions of dollars in fraudcausesUS businesses to lose billions of dollars in fraud

to the rerouting of internet trafficleadsto the rerouting of internet traffic

worlds of woecan causeworlds of woe

to severe security breaches and damage to the integrity of a company 's operationscan leadto severe security breaches and damage to the integrity of a company 's operations

to incidents such as data or even identity theftcan leadto incidents such as data or even identity theft

in the exposure of your personal informationcould resultin the exposure of your personal information

chaoscould causechaos

market directionto influencemarket direction

to the flash crash of 2011may have contributedto the flash crash of 2011

the CrashCausedthe Crash

in incorrect information ) and jamming ( resulting information lossresultingin incorrect information ) and jamming ( resulting information loss

to the market moving towards or away from a specific pricecan leadto the market moving towards or away from a specific price

to a response team being dispatched to the wrong locationcould leadto a response team being dispatched to the wrong location

your phone 's caller ID to display numbers that appear to be from your local area code or other numbers that look familiar and trustworthy to you , such as a call from a neighbor , a company you do business with , or a government agencycan causeyour phone 's caller ID to display numbers that appear to be from your local area code or other numbers that look familiar and trustworthy to you , such as a call from a neighbor , a company you do business with , or a government agency

to go in any mannerTo causeto go in any manner

a custom MAC addresssettinga custom MAC address

up MiTMto setup MiTM

damage(passive) caused bydamage

the flash crash of 2010causedthe flash crash of 2010

the flash crash of 2010promptedthe flash crash of 2010

the client to use a different HTTPS server or to not use HTTPSto causethe client to use a different HTTPS server or to not use HTTPS

losses(passive) caused bylosses


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