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Qaagi - Book of Why



the etchant (composedof sodium hydroxide

the high levelscan causesodium hydroxide solution

the watery environment inside the hair follicle to react with saltresultingin Sodium Hydroxide

Humphrey Davy(passive) is discovered bySodium hydroxide

knownto causesodium hydroxide solution

homemade soapcomposedof sodium hydroxide

sodium cations ... , and the likecontributedfrom sodium hydroxide

Humphrey Day(passive) was discovered bySodium Hydroxide

the timethat ... was discoveredsodium hydroxide

originally(passive) was ... discoveredSodium Hydroxide

the haircausingsodium hydroxide

The damagecausessodium hydroxide

a leakcausedsodium hydroxide

A train derailmentcausessodium hydroxide

in sodium saltsresultsin sodium salts

in glycerine and soap base , which is a sodium salt of fatty acidresultingin glycerine and soap base , which is a sodium salt of fatty acid

Dissociationcan ... causeDissociation

eye and skin burnsMay causeeye and skin burns

this reactionwill also causethis reaction

chemical burnsmay causechemical burns

severe burncan causesevere burn

irritation of the skin and eyescan causeirritation of the skin and eyes

chemical burnscan causechemical burns

a chemical reaction in the fats , called saponification , which is the breaking down of the fatty acidscausesa chemical reaction in the fats , called saponification , which is the breaking down of the fatty acids

into formation of aluminum hydroxideresultsinto formation of aluminum hydroxide

a chemical reaction called saponificationcausesa chemical reaction called saponification

a white precipitate to formcausinga white precipitate to form

chemical burns if handled improperlycan causechemical burns if handled improperly

A reaction(passive) is caused byA reaction

a violent reaction with waterto causea violent reaction with water

to the formation of sodium chloride and waterleadsto the formation of sodium chloride and water

burnscan causeburns

crystals to form in soapcausescrystals to form in soap

caustic embrittlementcausescaustic embrittlement

damage to vision and respiratory effects in high dosesmay also causedamage to vision and respiratory effects in high doses

blindnesscan causeblindness

pressurization of contents and damagecausingpressurization of contents and damage

chemical burnscan causechemical burns

problems if it gets into the environmentcan causeproblems if it gets into the environment

the reaction(passive) caused bythe reaction

to prevent corrosiondesignedto prevent corrosion


hydrolysis of proteinsmay causehydrolysis of proteins

severe burn if it comes in contact with skincan causesevere burn if it comes in contact with skin

serious chemical burns when it contacts skincan causeserious chemical burns when it contacts skin

severe chemical burnscan causesevere chemical burns

hydrolysis of proteinscan causehydrolysis of proteins

skin irritationcan causeskin irritation

a nasty chemical burncan causea nasty chemical burn

a nasty chemical burncan causea nasty chemical burn

to extensive exothermic decompositionledto extensive exothermic decomposition

vomiting , severe abdominal pain and burns the esophagus when ingestedcausesvomiting , severe abdominal pain and burns the esophagus when ingested

severe abdominal paincausessevere abdominal pain

vomiting , severe abdominal paincausesvomiting , severe abdominal pain


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