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Qaagi - Book of Why



of social relations(passive) is composedSociety

of people(passive) is composedSociety

# voices society # society contributecontribute# society

social stereotypeshave ledsociety

of numerous people(passive) is composedSociety

of individuals and the society(passive) is composedSociety

of individuals and each individual(passive) is composedSociety

Individuals have ... has to changeto influenceSociety

of a variety of people(passive) is composedSociety

They want ... , be it in politics , tech , sports , or whateverto influencesociety

It ... politics , art , climate change , education , loveinfluencessociety

A strong communityinfluencessociety

by new and newly spread technology(passive) prompted bysociety

of culture and people(passive) is composedSociety

of these interactions between people(passive) is composedSociety

by everything that is learned and experienced by the human social animal(passive) caused bysociety

of adults and young people(passive) is composedsociety

of individuals who share a certain culture(passive) is composedSociety

a group of personsinfluencedsociety

Social values ... the way ... priorities is influenced by a variety of factorssetssociety

Social values ... that the way ... priorities is influenced by a variety of factorssetssociety

an event that reminds government of its primary > responsibilityto leadsociety

governments abilityto influencesociety

government and governments abilityto influencesociety

of lots of communities , where everyone in those communities wants to life a good life(passive) is composedSociety

of relations among social actors(passive) is composed fundamentallySociety

media ... the same wayinfluencessociety

Corporations with an interest in the social issue and how it affectscould setsociety

wise peopleare influencingsociety

the needs of members of the various communities , including faith communitiescomposingsociety

with experiences as well as shared by a lot of people in the culture(passive) is discoveredSociety

with experiences as well as(passive) is discoveredSociety

by individuals ( field(passive) being influenced bysociety

mobile technologies empowers peopleto influencesociety

by many values(passive) influenced bySociety

Values , attitudes , and actions of individualsinfluencesociety

The State strives ... and in turn the behaviour of individuals through other direct and indirect meansto influencesociety

Religion ... the wayinfluencessociety

Designers , due to Community their field of do my homework , work ... a positioncan influencesociety

technology technology society technology society social constructivism ( hard version(passive) is influenced bysociety

of communitycomposedof community

in social waysoriginatedin social ways

of [ [ people ] ] with similar [ [ social ] ] , [ [ cultural ] ] , or [ [ economiccomposedof [ [ people ] ] with similar [ [ social ] ] , [ [ cultural ] ] , or [ [ economic

Individuals influence society and(passive) are influenced byIndividuals influence society and

of people with similar social , cultural or economic statuecomposedof people with similar social , cultural or economic statue

social english disease opportunityinfluencessocial english disease opportunity

the collective behavior of peopleinfluencethe collective behavior of people

the worldcontributethe world

women muchinfluenceswomen much

by way of technologyhas influencedby way of technology

a minimum standard of social contribution through the society?s government ... in exchange for an individual?s place in the societysetsa minimum standard of social contribution through the society?s government ... in exchange for an individual?s place in the society

its membersinfluenceits members

towardsshould contributetowards

our well - beingcontributesour well - being

these needs 5 Individual Rightscould influencethese needs 5 Individual Rights

Some of us(passive) are influenced bySome of us

others decisionsinfluencesothers decisions

These people(passive) are influenced byThese people

for their well - beingdo contributefor their well - being

state governanceindeed influencestate governance


Women(passive) are influenced byWomen

our peoplehas influencedour people

the arts ... or do the arts influence societyDoes ... influencethe arts ... or do the arts influence society

to each personal / individual or social / group problemhas contributedto each personal / individual or social / group problem

the opinions and behavior of otherscan influencethe opinions and behavior of others

manyhas influencedmany

social standardsinfluencesocial standards

the worldcausedthe world

an example in the sphere of performing society welfare activitieshas setan example in the sphere of performing society welfare activities

to the culture we live incontributesto the culture we live in

attitudes , values and ethicsinfluencesattitudes , values and ethics

standards that govern our interactions with othershas setstandards that govern our interactions with others

to the betterment of the worldContributingto the betterment of the world

to the fall of society contributeto the fall of society

at the moment?s societyis influencingat the moment?s society

to the communitycan contributeto the community

the understanding that individuals have , of numerous experiences in societal contextsinfluencesthe understanding that individuals have , of numerous experiences in societal contexts

the understanding that individuals haveinfluencesthe understanding that individuals have

to a ' time movementshould leadto a ' time movement


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