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Qaagi - Book of Why



to keep those who are at risk of isolation engaged with their local community(passive) are designedSocial Supports

to keep you engaged with your local community(passive) are designedSocial Supports

by loneliness(passive) caused bysocial support

to support people with disability and the frail aged(passive) is designedSocial Support

employment status , type of family(passive) is influenced byPerceived social support

adherence could be improvedleadsto social support

to improve educational outcomescontributesto social support

Social networkscan influencesocial support

a better understanding of the extent to whichleadsto social support

PTSD symptom severity(passive) can be influenced byperceived social support

by PTSD symptom severity(passive) can be influenced byperceived social support

Lack ofcontributessocial support

of emotional and practical support(passive) is composedSocial support

A lack ofcontributessocial support

an interventionto influencesocial support

gender(passive) is influenced bySocial support

the factorscontributingto social support

by loneliness(passive) caused byperceived social support

The research modeldesignedsocial support

however(passive) is ... discoveredSocial support

Factorsinfluencingsocial support

the factorsinfluencingsocial support ( P<0.05

Whereby for some , low social support results in stress and depression and for others stress and depressionleadsto social support

age , etiology of hepatic disease , feelings of happiness and aggressiveness ... factorsinfluencedsocial support

was reportedcan causesocial support

specifically for a particular purpose ( explicit support(passive) can be designedSocial support

the network relationshipinfluencingsocial support

of three separate items(passive) is composedPerceived social support

how an individual performs self - care maintenancealso influencehow an individual performs self - care maintenance

towards the dignity of the childcontributestowards the dignity of the child

to counter the social disruption in the black communitiesdesignedto counter the social disruption in the black communities

to a persons sense of being care forcan contributeto a persons sense of being care for

towards the dignity of the childcontributetowards the dignity of the child


to positive well - beingcontributesto positive well - being

to making women feel valuedcontributesto making women feel valued

to recoverycan also contributeto recovery

to advance student autonomydesignedto advance student autonomy

Having a support network of family and friendsinfluencesHaving a support network of family and friends

to their success with increasing functional abilities and participation in important life rolescontributedto their success with increasing functional abilities and participation in important life roles

the painare ... causingthe pain

positivelycan ... influencepositively

to motivation for , and adherence to , physical activitycontributesto motivation for , and adherence to , physical activity

to a greater susceptibility to and stratification of the societycould leadto a greater susceptibility to and stratification of the society

to improvements in physical and mental healthcan leadto improvements in physical and mental health

healthcan influencehealth

from a variety of sources including informal ( e.g. , spouse , family , friends ) or formal sources ( e.g. , healthcare professionalscan originatefrom a variety of sources including informal ( e.g. , spouse , family , friends ) or formal sources ( e.g. , healthcare professionals

to better adjustment and quality of lifecontributeto better adjustment and quality of life

the older personsleadsthe older persons

to psychological well - beingcontributes significantlyto psychological well - being

to further discussions of the previously unspoken topic of suicidecan ... leadto further discussions of the previously unspoken topic of suicide

to coping and healingcan leadto coping and healing

to better emotional well being andleadsto better emotional well being and

to positive health outcomesmight contributeto positive health outcomes

perceived benefitspositively influencesperceived benefits

their ability to thrive in and contribute to their environmentinfluencetheir ability to thrive in and contribute to their environment


for adolescentsdesigned specificallyfor adolescents

to improving self - efficacycontributesto improving self - efficacy

specifically for adolescentsdesignedspecifically for adolescents

The personalized t - shirts are an effective way to assist a wide range of social causescausesThe personalized t - shirts are an effective way to assist a wide range of social causes

The personalized t - shirts are an easy way to aid an array of social causescausesThe personalized t - shirts are an easy way to aid an array of social causes

for women veteransspecially designedfor women veterans

to health and longevity Social supportcontributesto health and longevity Social support

The personalized t - shirts are an effective way to help a wide range of social causescausesThe personalized t - shirts are an effective way to help a wide range of social causes

crucially , if not decisively , to [ children 's ] academic success in school , whether that support comes from parents and family , youth organizations , or religious communitiescontributescrucially , if not decisively , to [ children 's ] academic success in school , whether that support comes from parents and family , youth organizations , or religious communities

physical activitycan influencephysical activity

to a reduction in depression in this sample of postpartum womencontributedto a reduction in depression in this sample of postpartum women


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