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Qaagi - Book of Why



the frozen landscape(passive) is paintedSnowfall

weather conditioncausessnowfall

The colder - than - normal winter weatherhas causedsnowfall

by surface wind(passive) caused bysnowfall

A fierce cold snaphas promptedsnowfall

by the heat(passive) caused bysnowfall

Several days of subzero temperatureshave causedsnowfall

the recordsettingsnowfall

A fierce cold snap on Wednesday nightpromptedsnowfall

climate change(passive) was also caused bysnowfall

The western disturbancehas causedsnowfall

At least all this past wintersledsnowfall

Such condition ... cold enoughto causesnowfall

Winter Storm Gia(passive) caused bysnowfall

by Winter Storm Gia(passive) caused bysnowfall

cold enough through the depth of the troposphereto causesnowfall

by strong surface winds(passive) caused bysnowfall

The cold wave across north Indiahas causedsnowfall

Global warmingis causingsnowfall

cold enough through the depth of theto causesnowfall

The footprints and broken twigsledSnowfall

Convective showersmay causesnowfall

sudden cold spells ... the eastcausesnowfall

An approaching low pressure systemis causingsnowfall

Lake effectcontributessnowfall

The spring ... the eastcausesnowfall

cold enough in the depth from the troposphereto causesnowfall

Motorists may encounter some challenges on the roads Wednesday in parts of the Sun Valley region as a cold front moves inlikely causingsnowfall

to chaos ... winter in Britaincausingsnowfall

to chaoscausingsnowfall

by the storm(passive) caused bySnowfall

global warmingcausessnowfall

to continue for the rest of the week(passive) is setSnowfall

they gotsettingsnowfall

when masses of air pushed by wind are forced up the side of elevated land formations , such as large mountains(passive) is causedsnowfall

by Various(passive) composed bySnowfall


to continue until Friday(passive) is setSnowfall

by a series of unusually warm winters(passive) caused bysnowfall

by unexpected late winters and early springs(passive) caused bysnowfall

in a snow dateresultedin a snow date

roof problemscan causeroof problems

in widespread blowing snowresultingin widespread blowing snow

to snowpack instabilitiesleadingto snowpack instabilities

ice and snowfallhas causedice and snowfall

slick roadscausingslick roads

a run on snow blowers in many parts ofcauseda run on snow blowers in many parts of

icing conditionshas causedicing conditions

to some melting of snow accumulationcould leadto some melting of snow accumulation

in icyresultedin icy

snow emergencies to be declared in much ofhas promptedsnow emergencies to be declared in much of

a curb extension(passive) caused bya curb extension

to a number of traffic accidentscontributedto a number of traffic accidents

to reduced visibilitymay contributeto reduced visibility

icy road conditions and reduced visibility ... especially whenis causingicy road conditions and reduced visibility ... especially when

snow days on Thursday , February 9 and Monday , February 13causingsnow days on Thursday , February 9 and Monday , February 13

some disruption in the wintercan causesome disruption in the winter

some disruptioncan causesome disruption

alsohas ... causedalso

christmas light tubesledchristmas light tubes

The damage(passive) caused byThe damage

icy road conditions and reduced visibility ... especially when vehicles are meeting and passingis causingicy road conditions and reduced visibility ... especially when vehicles are meeting and passing

major travel disruptionshas causedmajor travel disruptions

the days beforeledthe days before

in several inches of accumulationcould resultin several inches of accumulation

to slick roads which is most likely going to result in injuries both minor and severeeventually leadsto slick roads which is most likely going to result in injuries both minor and severe

problems for the people to the north where they are getting lots of snow when they do n't really expect or want itwas ... causingproblems for the people to the north where they are getting lots of snow when they do n't really expect or want it

to three snowmobile crashesledto three snowmobile crashes

in avalanchesresultsin avalanches

floodingcan causeflooding

the incidentcausedthe incident

power outagescausedpower outages

to stormsledto storms


an unexpected avalanchecausedan unexpected avalanche

the accident or any other informationcausedthe accident or any other information

some problems on the roadscausedsome problems on the roads

building leakscausesbuilding leaks

to icy road conditionsleadsto icy road conditions

to slow and slippery roadsleadsto slow and slippery roads


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