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Qaagi - Book of Why



like to yell about needing more jobs , like to point out that the current admin is not providing jobs , conveniently forgetting that NAFTA , GATT , WTO , etc . , and(passive) were originatedomplain about the economy

this sectorcontributes9.1billion to the economy

exploring the potential for increasing commercial relations between Gibraltar and China D.B. 27 - 10 - 2017 13:15 World Trade Center has already had a major impact on the Gibraltar economy WTC Gibraltarcontributes65,000,000 to the economy

how senior government officials are sucking the country drycausinghemorrhaging on the economy

Pictureshave causedrevitalizations in the economy

According to President Muhammadu Buhari , oil related revenues are expected ... , while the budget deficit , which is projected at N2.22tn , will be funded by foreign and domestic loansto contributeN820bn to the economy

EU students at UK universitiescontributed3.7bn to the economy

Yescontributerateable to the economy

The data improvement drew in associationshave contributeddiscernable to the economy

These musicians , composers , songwriters , performers and lyricistscontributed2bn to the economy

from the fact that consumers do not spend all of their income C.resultingfrom the fact that consumers do not spend all of their income C.

in decline in the GDP growth ratehas resultedin decline in the GDP growth rate

in stronger economic growth in the long termwould resultin stronger economic growth in the long term

the great depression of the 1930scausedthe great depression of the 1930s

the great depression of the 1930s after smaller warning depressions in the late 19th centurycausedthe great depression of the 1930s after smaller warning depressions in the late 19th century

undue stress in young peoplehave causedundue stress in young people

from a combination of factors affecting the potential gains , costs , and restrictions related to legally established firms and workersresultsfrom a combination of factors affecting the potential gains , costs , and restrictions related to legally established firms and workers

to the deepest recession in modern Brazilian historyleadingto the deepest recession in modern Brazilian history

in unforced hardshipis resultingin unforced hardship

from the major earthquakes in Canterburyresultingfrom the major earthquakes in Canterbury


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