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Qaagi - Book of Why



in sand , opal and agate(passive) can be discoveredSilica

for use in the present invention(passive) is designedSilica

of the two most abundant elements in Earths crust , silicon and oxygen ( SiO2(passive) is composedsilica

Aging and poor dietcontributeto depletion of silica in the body

the hard , glassy mineral of which quartz and sand grains(passive) are composedSilica is

to a condition called silicosismay leadto a condition called silicosis

in them having soft , radiant skin , shiny , supple hair and strong , fast growing nailsresultsin them having soft , radiant skin , shiny , supple hair and strong , fast growing nails

a calcium deficiency which , in turn , results in a loss of tissue elasticity and collagencausesa calcium deficiency which , in turn , results in a loss of tissue elasticity and collagen

in accelerated memory losscan resultin accelerated memory loss

the illnesscausedthe illness

to break downis ... designedto break down

that ... to break downis ... designedthat ... to break down


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