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Qaagi - Book of Why



these sensesleadingto sensory disability

one or more of these sensesleadingto sensory disability

glaucoma , cataracts or diabetic retinopathy(passive) may be caused bySensory disabilities

In some types of neuromuscular disease , sensory nerves are affectedcausingsensory impairment

by serious peripheral circulatory disorders due to diabetes and other diseases(passive) caused bysensory impairment

by local anesthetic agents in animals(passive) caused bysensory impairment

by disease of motor neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem(passive) caused bysensory impairment

by the ageing process(passive) caused bysensory impairment

common diseasescausingneuropsychological disability

by stroke(passive) caused bysensory - motor disability

struggles with understanding language despite normal hearing and visioncausestruggles with understanding language despite normal hearing and vision

in interactions with community which require the person experiencing the disability to select the information to which he - she desires to attendresultin interactions with community which require the person experiencing the disability to select the information to which he - she desires to attend

difficulty in understanding languagecausedifficulty in understanding language

difficulty in understanding language ... despite normal hearing and visioncausedifficulty in understanding language ... despite normal hearing and vision

vision , hearing and sight problemscan causevision , hearing and sight problems

struggles with understanding languagecausestruggles with understanding language


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