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Qaagi - Book of Why



Soil erosion during constructioncan causesedimentation

soil erosion and land slides(passive) caused bysedimentation

soil erosion and grazing stock(passive) caused bysedimentation

soil erosion from banks or in stormwater systems(passive) caused bysedimentation

inappropriate land - based activities such as agriculture and deforestation(passive) caused bysedimentation

inland soil erosion and land degradation(passive) caused bysedimentation

soil erosion in the rivers , lakes and reservoirs(passive) caused bySedimentation

human activity and land development(passive) caused bysedimentation

soil erosion , which is a consequence of deforestation and cattle grazing(passive) is largely caused bySedimentation

deforestation on land resulting in severe soil erosion(passive) caused bysedimentation

human activities such as land clearing and coastal construction(passive) caused bySedimentation

poor land - use practices [ 26(passive) caused bysedimentation

anthropogenic factorsinfluencingsedimentation

the key factorsinfluencingsedimentation

a multitude of factors(passive) is caused bySedimentation

the primary factorsinfluencingsedimentation

the change in water flow(passive) caused bysedimentation

appropriate erosion control measuresto preventsedimentation

The relevant human activities ... land - based activitiescausesedimentation

deforestation and erosion(passive) caused bySedimentation

erosion in the soil(passive) caused bysedimentation

Construction activities without effective erosion controlcan causesedimentation

We create situations where in water runoff due to deforestation , soil erosion happenscreatingsedimentation

stream bank erosion and runoff(passive) caused bySedimentation

logging activities(passive) caused bysedimentation

water quality ... helpspreventsedimentation

the viscosity ... it helpsto preventsedimentation

Eductor nozzles are also used under water , the purpose of which isto preventsedimentation

soil erosion from farmlands and construction sites that flow downstream and collect on the floor of lakes(passive) is caused bySedimentation

human activities such as construction that free up sediments that are then washed into reefs(passive) can be caused bySedimentation

land clearing and other activities(passive) caused bysedimentation

erosion from construction / mining / farming / logging(passive) is caused bySedimentation

a number of factors , of which most are caused by humans , including poor agriculture practices and urban development(passive) is caused bySedimentation

shoreline erosion as well as storm water runoff from construction sites in the watershed farther from the lake(passive) caused bysedimentation

erosion upstream(passive) caused bysedimentation

urban erosion(passive) caused bysedimentation

ground disturbing activities on construction sitescausingsedimentation

many forms of human activities and natural disasters(passive) can be caused bySedimentation

development and construction activities , not the control of development and construction activities themselves(passive) caused bysedimentation

Optiion flow velocities ... high enoughto preventsedimentation

to the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[13leadingto the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[13

to the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[30leadingto the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[30

to the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[26leadingto the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[26

to the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[15leadingto the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[15

the delta to erode away use of water upstreamcan causethe delta to erode away use of water upstream

from a land disturbing activityresultingfrom a land disturbing activity

many problems to the marine environmentcan causemany problems to the marine environment

from the process of electrolysis in the last milling stage before packing Cement packing plant kvierresultingfrom the process of electrolysis in the last milling stage before packing Cement packing plant kvier

from in - channel erosionresultingfrom in - channel erosion

from catchment erosionresultingfrom catchment erosion

from coastal erosionoriginatingfrom coastal erosion

from land disturbance activitiesresultingfrom land disturbance activities

Sedimentation Problems(passive) created bySedimentation Problems

the in - stream problems(passive) caused bythe in - stream problems

localized problemscan also createlocalized problems

measurement problems(passive) caused bymeasurement problems

from erosion , channelization , and reduced river flows through the Cacheresultingfrom erosion , channelization , and reduced river flows through the Cache

abrasion and clogging(passive) caused byabrasion and clogging

hydraulic clogging(passive) caused byhydraulic clogging

nozzle cloggingpreventingnozzle clogging

from land clearing in the watershedsresultingfrom land clearing in the watersheds

serious damage to freshwater and marine habitats , as well as the local communities that depend on these habitatscausesserious damage to freshwater and marine habitats , as well as the local communities that depend on these habitats

of pyroclastic depositsessentially composedof pyroclastic deposits

soil deposits(passive) created bysoil deposits

the color of your water to changecan causethe color of your water to change

to flooding and structural damagecontributesto flooding and structural damage

serious problems with respect to navigability of the waterwayshas causedserious problems with respect to navigability of the waterways

as a result of forestry activitiescausedas a result of forestry activities

from agricultural and forestry activitiesresultingfrom agricultural and forestry activities

within the formation of sedimentary rocksultimately resultedwithin the formation of sedimentary rocks

land subsidencealso causeland subsidence

choking of spawning beds and carry contaminants and nutrients with them that can degrade aquatic habitatcan causechoking of spawning beds and carry contaminants and nutrients with them that can degrade aquatic habitat

no cracks(passive) caused byno cracks

from increased rates of erosionresultingfrom increased rates of erosion

in part by streambank erosioncausedin part by streambank erosion

vast economic problemscan causevast economic problems

problems with quality on the bodycan createproblems with quality on the body

problems for bottom outletscreatesproblems for bottom outlets

in gully erosion and other forms of land degradationresultingin gully erosion and other forms of land degradation

in huge loss of storage capacity of dams or reservoirsresultsin huge loss of storage capacity of dams or reservoirs


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