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Qaagi - Book of Why



by erosion(passive) to have been caused bySedimentation

when something carrying the sediment has to deposit it in an area and(passive) is causedSedimentation

by an interaction between bottom currents and mass(passive) caused bysedimentation

also(passive) is ... causedSedimentation

muddy runoff(passive) caused bySedimentation

sediment laden runoffs due to soil excavation and disturbance by project vehicle and other construction equipment along access roads and right - of - way(passive) caused bySedimentation

by water or air(passive) caused bysedimentation

Erosion of the slopeswill causesedimentation

water or air(passive) caused bysedimentation

Construction activities without effective erosion controlcan causesedimentation

the centrifugation field strengthinfluencingsedimentation

the major factorinfluencingsedimentation

by construction (passive) caused bysedimentation

sediment spill from the dredging works(passive) caused bysedimentation

by sediment spill from the dredging works(passive) caused bysedimentation


by sediment spill from(passive) caused bysedimentation

water flow(passive) caused bysedimentation

by the localized dumping of construction materials(passive) caused bysedimentation

The episodic structural developmentinfluencedsedimentation

by upland erosion or stream deposition(passive) caused bysedimentation

upland erosion or stream deposition(passive) caused bysedimentation

Soil and rocks that are washed into streams and riverscausesedimentation

by stream bank erosion and runoff(passive) caused bySedimentation


anthropogenic factorsinfluencingsedimentation

directly(passive) may be causedSedimentation

shoreline construction and dredging(passive) may be caused directly bySedimentation

by water deposits(passive) caused bysedimentation

human activities such as land clearing and coastal construction(passive) caused bySedimentation

by eroding streambanks(passive) caused bysedimentation

The episodic structural expansioninfluencedsedimentation

bottom currents(passive) influenced bysedimentation

erosion(passive) caused bysedimentation

The damming of the rivercausessedimentation

historic and other evidence that increased erosion from land usecausessedimentation

the settling of suspended solid particles in a liquid under the influence of gravity(passive) is caused bySedimentation

by erosion(passive) caused bysedimentation

by a controlled burn(passive) caused bysedimentation

The runoff water washed topsoil and rocks into streams and riverscausingsedimentation

in a change fromresultingin a change from

from streambank erosion and channel headcutting along the stream channelsis resultingfrom streambank erosion and channel headcutting along the stream channels

on cement stone propertiesinfluencingon cement stone properties


from areas outside of the stream channelmay originatefrom areas outside of the stream channel

from areasmay originatefrom areas

to the development of linear bars of deposition above normal pool elevation that have blocked mouths of embaymentsledto the development of linear bars of deposition above normal pool elevation that have blocked mouths of embayments

alsocan resultalso

alsomay ... originatealso

from a land - disturbing activityresultingfrom a land - disturbing activity

to habitat degradationleadingto habitat degradation

from deforestationresultingfrom deforestation

contiguous water bodies to become physically separated from the reservoircan causecontiguous water bodies to become physically separated from the reservoir

to siltation in coral reefsleadsto siltation in coral reefs

in turncontributesin turn

in large partcausedin large part

from private and commercial developmentresultingfrom private and commercial development

inorganic material to become unavailablecausesinorganic material to become unavailable

from a floodresultingfrom a flood

to poor water qualitycan leadto poor water quality

to turbidity in water bodiesalso contributesto turbidity in water bodies

in the loss of habitatresultsin the loss of habitat

from erosionresultsfrom erosion

from erosion , channelization , and reduced riverresultingfrom erosion , channelization , and reduced river

issuescan causeissues

issues with capacity in rivers , lakes , ditches , canals , etccan causeissues with capacity in rivers , lakes , ditches , canals , etc

in an increase in water levels which may be greater than the consented levelresultedin an increase in water levels which may be greater than the consented level

algal and plant growth(passive) caused byalgal and plant growth

flooding and soil erosioncausingflooding and soil erosion

to the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levelsleadingto the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels

the flows to changemay causethe flows to change

the loss of reservoir live storagecan causethe loss of reservoir live storage

to an equilibrium separation between the drop and the wallleadsto an equilibrium separation between the drop and the wall


from catchment erosionresultingfrom catchment erosion

to the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[25leadingto the formation of a chain of barrier islands related to rising sea levels.[25

in improved habitat for the fishwill resultin improved habitat for the fish

1 white precipitate Mainly because ofcauses1 white precipitate Mainly because of

mangrove establishment and growthmay have influencedmangrove establishment and growth

to reduction of reservoir storageleadingto reduction of reservoir storage


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