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Qaagi - Book of Why



employees ... to helppreventsecurity breaches

disgruntled employees(passive) caused bysecurity breaches

Training employeesto preventsecurity breaches

their current employees ... preparedto preventsecurity breaches

Dishonest or aggrieved employeesoften causesecurity breaches

once - trusted employees and contractors(passive) caused bysecurity breaches

Communicate these immediately to employeesto preventsecurity breaches

well - meaning employees(passive) caused bysecurity breaches

to use the technology with employeesto preventsecurity breaches

one waycould preventsecurity breaches

our own employees with increasingly dire consequences(passive) are being caused bysecurity breaches

employees how to use these devices and also what to watch forto preventsecurity breaches

the best measures in placeto preventsecurity breaches

the lack of employees ' IT security compliance(passive) are caused bysecurity breaches

For general employees , courses on security awareness ,preventingsecurity breaches

The system helpedpreventsecurity breaches

business owners to manage their employees ’ business devicesto preventsecurity breaches

9 ) the Company 's abilityto preventsecurity breaches

their end users(passive) caused bysecurity breaches

ContentWatch ... another wayto preventsecurity breaches

the failure of the Secret Serviceto preventsecurity breaches

Regular checks ... the best wayto preventsecurity breaches

No data in cloud The best wayto preventsecurity breaches

reliable security measuresto preventsecurity breaches

to put measures in placeto preventsecurity breaches

that ... to put in place the necessary controlsto preventsecurity breaches

very oftencreatesecurity breaches

System 10preventssecurity breaches

a secure systemto preventsecurity breaches

To put adequate preventative measures in placeto preventsecurity breaches

to differentiate recognized employees from visitors that are not authorized to be in certain spacesto preventsecurity breaches

The ability to detect changes to sensitive data ... if you areto preventsecurity breaches

companies take longerto discoversecurity breaches

Having the ability to check in on your business when you are n’t able to be there helpspreventsecurity breaches

to take the steps necessaryto preventsecurity breaches

These actions helppreventsecurity breaches

solutions to helppreventsecurity breaches

Take Proactive Measuresto PreventSecurity Breaches

also trains clients ’ employees on the proper usage of computer systemsto preventsecurity breaches

their companies were not doing enoughto preventsecurity breaches

in huge financial lossesare resultingin huge financial losses

data loss for their companycausingdata loss for their company

in expensive data losscould resultin expensive data loss

data loss and downtime(passive) caused bydata loss and downtime

to financial losses and reputational damagecan leadto financial losses and reputational damage

to serious financial lossescan leadto serious financial losses

to grave financial lossesmay leadto grave financial losses

tremendous financial losses(passive) caused bytremendous financial losses

substantial financial lossescausesubstantial financial losses

data and financial lossescan causedata and financial losses

to direct financial lossescould ... leadto direct financial losses

not just data theft , but also data loss andcan causenot just data theft , but also data loss and

in data - loss , theft , or destructionresultingin data - loss , theft , or destruction

in massive data loss organizationsresultingin massive data loss organizations

enormous financial losses for these institutionscauseenormous financial losses for these institutions

to financial losses and business disruptionleadingto financial losses and business disruption

in significant financial losses and reputation damagecan resultin significant financial losses and reputation damage

to data loss , financial losses , regulatory sanctions , reputational damage , operational disturbances , and other thingscould leadto data loss , financial losses , regulatory sanctions , reputational damage , operational disturbances , and other things

to personal data loss or interruptions of service supplyleadto personal data loss or interruptions of service supply

in financial losses and theft of proprietary informationresultin financial losses and theft of proprietary information

huge monetary lossescausedhuge monetary losses

havoc for userscan causehavoc for users

IT Budget – Financial losses ( direct and indirect )(passive) caused byIT Budget – Financial losses ( direct and indirect )

to possible identity theftcould leadto possible identity theft

to medical identity theftleadingto medical identity theft

in data loss - accounting for half of all reported incidentsresultingin data loss - accounting for half of all reported incidents

in identity theft or network damageresultingin identity theft or network damage

the significant financial and reputational damage(passive) caused bythe significant financial and reputational damage

negative financial and/or reputational damage(passive) caused bynegative financial and/or reputational damage

severe financial and reputational damagecan causesevere financial and reputational damage

to loss of reputation , identity theft , legal damages , and the degradation of systemsmay leadto loss of reputation , identity theft , legal damages , and the degradation of systems

from the actions of our usersresultfrom the actions of our users

to sensitive information being compromised and massive data loss , which could lead to massive financial losses if your company is not adequately protectedcan leadto sensitive information being compromised and massive data loss , which could lead to massive financial losses if your company is not adequately protected

to leaks of sensitive data , loss of business and financial ruincould leadto leaks of sensitive data , loss of business and financial ruin

service disruptions , data loss , and reputation damage that add up to significant costs for businessescauseservice disruptions , data loss , and reputation damage that add up to significant costs for businesses

25 ] Serious financial damage(passive) has been caused by25 ] Serious financial damage

to significant financial losses , as well as damage your reputation and the trust of your customerscan also leadto significant financial losses , as well as damage your reputation and the trust of your customers

harm that is n’t only financialcauseharm that is n’t only financial

US businesses a loss of US$ 67.2 billion every year due to downtime and data lossescauseUS businesses a loss of US$ 67.2 billion every year due to downtime and data losses

in financial loss or identity theft for innocent victimscan resultin financial loss or identity theft for innocent victims


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