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Qaagi - Book of Why



the Pentagon(passive) designed bysecrecy

the societycausessecrecy

transparencyis promptingsecrecy

fear(passive) caused bySecrecy

wikileaks(passive) led bysecrecy

This problemcan causesecrecy


the sunHas ... seton secrecy

by independent civilian duplication(passive) caused bysecrecy

to protect the grand jurors from improper pressures(passive) was originally designedSecrecy

drugcomposedof secrecy

in 17th century Florence(passive) is setSecrecy


for those who are in the spy tradedesignedfor those who are in the spy trade

to uncertaintyleadsto uncertainty

to oathsleadsto oaths


to shame and silenceoften leadsto shame and silence

so much to the years of suspicion and mistrusthad contributedso much to the years of suspicion and mistrust

to a toxic culture of gossip and confusioncan leadto a toxic culture of gossip and confusion

to conspiracyhas ledto conspiracy

in concealment of symptomsresultingin concealment of symptoms

what the government knowsto discoverwhat the government knows

to suspicioncan leadto suspicion

to speculation which leads to rumors and misinformationleadsto speculation which leads to rumors and misinformation

to keep the rest of the world in the darkdesignedto keep the rest of the world in the dark

to privacycontributesto privacy

to control through preventing the exposure of hidden agendasleadsto control through preventing the exposure of hidden agendas

to corruptionleadsto corruption

to distrust and suspicionleadsto distrust and suspicion

to people drawing conclusions about motivesleadsto people drawing conclusions about motives

to suspicionsjust leadsto suspicions

to suspiciononly leadsto suspicion


her significant problems , not least in the investigation of her ill - advised decision to use a private email server for her official communications as secretary of Statehas causedher significant problems , not least in the investigation of her ill - advised decision to use a private email server for her official communications as secretary of State

to fearleadsto fear

to shameleadsto shame

to hide his actions from the trusteesdesignedto hide his actions from the trustees

to isolationcan leadto isolation

the secret - keeper incredible stress until discovered or sabotaged ... leaving them in piecescausesthe secret - keeper incredible stress until discovered or sabotaged ... leaving them in pieces

to liesleadsto lies

to public suspiciononly leadsto public suspicion

to lies and deceptionleadsto lies and deception

to material being hiddenledto material being hidden

rather than something that would protect the privacy of your friendssettingrather than something that would protect the privacy of your friends

to deception which leads to distrustleadsto deception which leads to distrust

to scandalsonly leadsto scandals

to misunderstandings and loss of trustto leadto misunderstandings and loss of trust

barriers between mensetsbarriers between men

great harmcan causegreat harm

to serious corruptionleadingto serious corruption



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