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Qaagi - Book of Why



to withstand a surge of 3 m but(passive) are designedThe sea defences

the 1953 floods(passive) caused bythe sea defences

the coastpaintedsea defences

by the 1953 floods(passive) caused bythe sea defences

that swept down the North Seacausingsea defences

to prevent erosiondesignedto prevent erosion

to protect against coastal floodingdesignedto protect against coastal flooding

to reduce coastal floodingdesignedto reduce coastal flooding

to mitigate coastal erosiondesignedto mitigate coastal erosion

to damageleadingto damage

to protect our city for up to 100 yearssetto protect our city for up to 100 years

a lot of the sand here to be washed awayhave causeda lot of the sand here to be washed away

to stop erosiondesignedto stop erosion


it to become very overgrownhas causedit to become very overgrown

to squeezeleadsto squeeze

a problem on the inside when it 's bigcould causea problem on the inside when it 's big

serious floodingcausingserious flooding

to workare designedto work

a lot of damage to property on the coastal stripcausinga lot of damage to property on the coastal strip

in deafening noise at timesresultedin deafening noise at times

stabilisation and changes in vegetation structurewould causestabilisation and changes in vegetation structure

a lot of damage to propertycausinga lot of damage to property

in loss of this biotope in parts of the UKresultingin loss of this biotope in parts of the UK

in some noise but hotel compensated by giving a cocktail party for guests and free wine with meal on one evening , plus a Carnival cocktail party , show and disco on another occasionresultedin some noise but hotel compensated by giving a cocktail party for guests and free wine with meal on one evening , plus a Carnival cocktail party , show and disco on another occasion


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