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Qaagi - Book of Why



Vitamin C. A deficiency of Vitamin Cleadsscurvy

A deficiencycausesscurvy

a deficiency of ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

the dietmay causescurvy

A deficiency of ascorbic acidcausesscurvy

a deficiency in ascorbic acid(passive) is caused by Scurvy

a deficiency of(passive) is caused byScurvy

ascorbic acid deficiency(passive) is caused byScurvy

Its deficiencyleadsto scurvy

deficiency(passive) can be caused byScurvy

due to the deficiency of ( A(passive) is causedScurvy

by a deficiency of Vitamin C in the body(passive) caused byscurvy

an inadequate intake of ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

Deficiency of(passive) is caused byScurvy

a lack of vitamin C , whose chemical name , ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

a deficiency of vitamin C , whose chemical name , ascorbic acid , comes by the Latin term for scurvy , scorbutus(passive) is caused byScurvy

Its deficiencycausesScurvy

Its deficiencycausesscurvy

an insufficient intake of ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

A prolonged deficiencymay causescurvy

due to the deficiency of(passive) is caused Scurvy

a lack of ascorbic acid or Vitamin C.(passive) is caused byScurvy

an insufficient intake or deficiency of ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

a deficiency of ascorbic acid(passive) is caused by Scurvy

inadequate diet(passive) was caused byScurvy

a deficiency of Vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

by a lack of Vitamin C. Scurvy(passive) is caused byscurvy

by a deficiency of vitamin C in the s(passive) caused byScurvy

insufficient intake of ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

collagen deficiency(passive) is caused byScurvy

due to lack of vitamin C or ascorbic acid(passive) is causedScurvy

a lack of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the diet(passive) is caused byScurvy


a deficiency in vitamin C(passive) is caused byScurvy

a deficiency in vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

a lack of vitamins(passive) is caused byScurvy

a severe deficiency of vitamin C or ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

due to the deficiency of ( a)vitamin(passive) is caused Scurvy

lack of vitamin C or ascorbic acid(passive) is caused byScurvy

a lack of vitamin(passive) is caused byscurvy

gums to bleedcan causegums to bleed

gums to bleedcan causegums to bleed

swollen face(passive) was caused byswollen face

dry skin and haircan causedry skin and hair

cognitive problemscausedcognitive problems

from a lack of vitamin Cresultsfrom a lack of vitamin C

a loss of collagencausinga loss of collagen

The vet said(passive) was caused byThe vet said

vitamin C deficiency ... toocausesvitamin C deficiency ... too

to deathcould leadto death

from a self - imposed dietresultingfrom a self - imposed diet

from a lack of vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acidcan resultfrom a lack of vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid

symptoms such as rashmay causesymptoms such as rash

symptoms suchmay causesymptoms such

to the formationleadsto the formation

the connective tissue in the body to break downcausesthe connective tissue in the body to break down

in deathcan resultin death



the teeth to fall out and the gums to swellcausesthe teeth to fall out and the gums to swell

lethargy , skin spots , bleeding gums , loss ofcauseslethargy , skin spots , bleeding gums , loss of

due to vitamin C deficiencycauseddue to vitamin C deficiency

symptomsmay causesymptoms

Death(passive) is sometimes caused byDeath

from a vitamin C deficiency due to months at searesultedfrom a vitamin C deficiency due to months at sea

from an inadequate intake of ascorbic acidresultsfrom an inadequate intake of ascorbic acid

to unstable collagen and collagen fragilitytherefore leadsto unstable collagen and collagen fragility

to tooth lossleadsto tooth loss

sudden deathcausessudden death

sudden deathcan even causesudden death

impairments(passive) caused byimpairments

the skin(passive) caused bythe skin

your teeth to fallcausesyour teeth to fall

bleeding gums , anemia , and skin hemorrhagescan causebleeding gums , anemia , and skin hemorrhages

to loss of teethcan leadto loss of teeth

in poor wound healingalso resultsin poor wound healing

sudden deathmay ... causesudden death


the gums to decaywould causethe gums to decay

bleeding and spongy gumscan causebleeding and spongy gums


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