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Qaagi - Book of Why



More regulationscauseundue burden on consumers and producers

many of the country 's main food distribution storeswill ... causescarcity for consumers

a projectdesignedto get consumers and producers

computer crashes at Boom Booom events are rather frequentleadingto frustrated consumers and producers

to a huge surplusleadingto a huge surplus

in the production of all of the products or services we wantresultin the production of all of the products or services we want

the price of the commodity , not speculatorsshould setthe price of the commodity , not speculators

a minimum and maximum purchase price for electricityto seta minimum and maximum purchase price for electricity

to consumers being delivered better quality helmets at more appropriate priceswill ... leadto consumers being delivered better quality helmets at more appropriate prices

from the projectresultsfrom the project

deeply oninfluenceddeeply on


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