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Qaagi - Book of Why



to prevent parties from dealing with sanctioned persons or countries(passive) generally is designedSanctions law

to restrict the activity of people who do(passive) are designedLaws with penalties

to restrict the activity of people who do not have integrity(passive) are designedLaws with penalties

to protect the national security of the United States and promote our foreign policy interestsare designedto protect the national security of the United States and promote our foreign policy interests

to protect the security of the United Statesdesignedto protect the security of the United States

to operate on US citizens and transactions that are from the United Statesare designedto operate on US citizens and transactions that are from the United States

to operate on US citizens and transactions that are from the United Statesare designedto operate on US citizens and transactions that are from the United States

from a violationcan resultfrom a violation

themeaninghas ... setthemeaning


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