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Qaagi - Book of Why



poor work qualitycan resultin salary reduction

any job ... any salarywill causesalary reductions

by changes in state compensation schedules and plans(passive) caused bysalary reductions

the only one ... PLANScontributingSALARY REDUCTION

to your account(passive) was contributedthe salary reduction

the employee s wage to fall below the required wage ratecausingthe employee s wage to fall below the required wage rate

to the planare contributedto the plan

a loss of exemptioncausea loss of exemption

in a lower pension at retirement as pensions are based on salary at retirementmay resultin a lower pension at retirement as pensions are based on salary at retirement


no doubtwill ... promptno doubt

a loss of the exemptionmay ... causea loss of the exemption

to a flexible spending arrangementcontributedto a flexible spending arrangement

to their retirement plan on a post or pre - tax basiscontributeto their retirement plan on a post or pre - tax basis

amounts(passive) contributed byamounts

to continual friction with the assembly and the Colonial Officeledto continual friction with the assembly and the Colonial Office


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