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Qaagi - Book of Why



to assist addicts(passive) are designedSafe injection sites

We recognizecould have originatedfrom safe injection site

harm - reductionleadsto safe - injection sites

to be easierto setup safe injection sites

Some of our state elected leaders in cities such as New York , San Francisco and Philadelphia are consideringsettingup safe injection sites

a task force to considersettingsafe drug - injection sites

tryingto setSafe Injection sites

The city of Vancouver ... they planto setsafe injection sites

One proposal ( as of the time of writing , there is no information on the outcome ) seeksto setup safe drug injection sites

no plansto setsafe - injection sites itself

the HR model(passive) are ... influenced bysafe injection sites

to lowering drug use and fighting addictionDo ... contributeto lowering drug use and fighting addiction

up elsewheresetup elsewhere

for exampleleadfor example

in violence and criminal activity in the areas where the centres existcan resultin violence and criminal activity in the areas where the centres exist

to preventdesignedto prevent

to gang violencewill leadto gang violence

to ? safer use for clientsledto ? safer use for clients

to prevent the deathsdesignedto prevent the deaths

to lowering drug use and fighting addictionDo ... contributeto lowering drug use and fighting addiction

to lowering drug use and fighting addictioncontributeto lowering drug use and fighting addiction

in fewer overdose deathswould resultin fewer overdose deaths

to safer use for clients andledto safer use for clients and

to safer use forledto safer use for

to open this fallsetto open this fall

in fewer discarded needles on the streets , fewer overdose deaths and fewer cases of HIV and Hepatitis C.will resultin fewer discarded needles on the streets , fewer overdose deaths and fewer cases of HIV and Hepatitis C.

to reduced numbers of fatal overdosesleadto reduced numbers of fatal overdoses

to more crime and drug use in the communityWill ... leadto more crime and drug use in the community

clean addictioncauseclean addiction

to more people using dangerous drugswould ... leadto more people using dangerous drugs

to a reduction in use of other health services by this difficult populationwould leadto a reduction in use of other health services by this difficult population

in " harm extensionresultin " harm extension

in an INCREASE in drug - related crimeswould resultin an INCREASE in drug - related crimes

or successwas designedor success

to mass overdosesleadingto mass overdoses

so much friction in our citiesare causingso much friction in our cities

to having less heroin addictswould ... leadto having less heroin addicts

in an increase in drug - related crimesdo ... resultin an increase in drug - related crimes

in " harm extensionresultin " harm extension


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