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Qaagi - Book of Why



by SAD(passive) Caused bySadness


thingscan causesadness

by a loss(passive) caused bysadness

This losscausedsadness

by the end of a marriage(passive) caused bysadness

by past regrets(passive) caused bysadness

things ... the healthy personcausesadness

a sense of loss(passive) is caused bySadness

by loss , disappointment , regret , or grief(passive) caused bysadness

by loss , disappointment , regret , or grief (passive) caused bysadness

loneliness" causingsadness"


These feelingscan causesadness

by depression(passive) caused bySadness

loss , tragedy or disappointment(passive) can be caused bySadness

by loss , disappointment , regret , or grief 2(passive) caused bysadness

Sad but sometimes stupid peoplecausesadness

loss or misfortune(passive) caused byDEEP sadness


by leaving a place or a person that you love(passive) caused bysadness

by unfortunate situations or events(passive) Caused bySadness


loss , helplessness , or disappointment(passive) can be caused bySadness

some bitter experienceshave causedsadness

by grief or affliction(passive) caused by Sadness


an event that is(passive) is caused bySadness

a state of dissatisfaction , with people or experiences(passive) is caused bySadness Sadness

a state of dissatisfaction(passive) is caused bySadness Sadness

by the absence of companionship(passive) caused bysadness

by lack of companionship(passive) caused bysadness

a disappointmenthas causedsadness


the familiarcausesdeep sadness

by Anne 's sad passing(passive) caused bysadness

the day ... memoriescausesadness

the eventcausedthe sadness

A bad encountercausessadness

loss(passive) is caused bySadness

to her suicidemay have ledto her suicide

you to settle for less ... for examplemay leadyou to settle for less ... for example

to a sad homeledto a sad home

to acceptancecan leadto acceptance

to thoughts of hopelessness and painleadsto thoughts of hopelessness and pain

to hopelessnesscan leadto hopelessness


to resentmentleadsto resentment

to depressionledto depression

to lonelinessleadsto loneliness

from losscausedfrom loss

to frustration and depressionledto frustration and depression

to despairleadsto despair

to depressionleadingto depression

to angerleadsto anger

to sufferingleadsto suffering

to loss for emotionleadsto loss for emotion

to their distressledto their distress

to a mournful melancholyleadingto a mournful melancholy

from being forsaken or abandonedresultingfrom being forsaken or abandoned

to cryingleadsto crying

to some thoughtsledto some thoughts

to feelings of frustration , worthlessness , and a lack of self - esteemleadsto feelings of frustration , worthlessness , and a lack of self - esteem

to despair and depressioncan leadto despair and depression

from thoughts of some lossresultsfrom thoughts of some loss

me has been hardhas causedme has been hard

to painledto pain

to lonelinesscan leadto loneliness


to miseryledto misery

to depressioncan leadto depression

to depression and despaircan leadto depression and despair

to depression and despaircan leadto depression and despair

The depression(passive) can be caused byThe depression

from losing one of your ownresultsfrom losing one of your own

to angerledto anger


a womanhas causeda woman

this facecausesthis face

to despaircan leadto despair


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