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Qaagi - Book of Why



Syngenta or Bayerinventedrice

Those still wanting to participatecan contributerice

of chicken(passive) is reportedly composedRice

to be used on minor sprains and strains , which make up a large percentage of all the injuries you will pick up playing a game like 5-a - side football(passive) is designedRICE

Nextresults Rice

July 2018 Republic of Koreacontributesrice

Climate changeis influencingrice

of golden grains harvested from the rice fields(passive) is composedRice

some timescausesrice

of carbs(passive) is primarily composedRice

of carbohydrate(passive) is largely composedRice


of carbs found in the form of starch(passive) is primarily composedRice

by the intervention of the US government(passive) is ... influenced byrice

IndiansDid ... inventrice

senior running back Charles Ross , who tips the scale at 6-foot-1 , 235 pounds(passive) is led byRice

Tamarind paste , vinegar or fermentedcontributerice

on the table(passive) was setRice

from South India(passive) is originatedrice

Some products like bread , red meat , andmay causerice

Taiwanese teamdiscoversrice

in China(passive) is originatedRice

of carbohydrates(passive) is mostly composedRice

of starch , a form of carbs(passive) is primarily composedRice

A staple food to most of its 260 million peoplecontributesrice


of mainly carbohydrates in the form of starch and small amounts of protein and almost no fat(passive) is composedRice

John RousseauledRice

carbohydrates , proteins , vitamins and minerals(passive) is composed byRice

moisturemay causerice


The World Food Programcontributedrice

This posterhas been originatingrice

The staple food of about of the people on earthhas contributedrice

Early graindesignedrice

Our Company & Employeecontributedrice

for making sushi(passive) is ... designedrice


of 68 % water , 3 % of protein and 28 % of carbohydrates(passive) is composedrice


about a year agodiscoveredabout a year ago

in a weekleadsin a week

some countries to cease exporting rice completely for fear of food riotshas causedsome countries to cease exporting rice completely for fear of food riots

in a mushy thick messresultingin a mushy thick mess

from the grinding and millingresultingfrom the grinding and milling

tensionshas causedtensions

in one sittingcan causein one sitting

to the same amount of calories as wheatcontributesto the same amount of calories as wheat


Grains Rice Where ... fromoriginatedGrains Rice Where ... from

to insulin resistance andmay contributeto insulin resistance and

A single grain of unprocessed , or rough(passive) is composedA single grain of unprocessed , or rough

for this purposeis ... designedfor this purpose

the Toppersledthe Toppers

about 10 % of emissions from the agriculture sector globallycontributesabout 10 % of emissions from the agriculture sector globally


3.2 %contributes3.2 %

bacterial intoxicationcausedbacterial intoxication

the crashmight be causingthe crash

as a food crop in Chinaoriginatedas a food crop in China

to inferior sakeleadsto inferior sake


about 95 % of the food grains consumed in the countrycontributesabout 95 % of the food grains consumed in the country

around 50 percent of agricultural emissions and from 2.5 percent to more than 20 percent of total emissionscontributesaround 50 percent of agricultural emissions and from 2.5 percent to more than 20 percent of total emissions

to weightcan contributeto weight

to the same amount of caloriescontributesto the same amount of calories

for sake making and abundant pure natural water from beautiful Queenstownspecially designedfor sake making and abundant pure natural water from beautiful Queenstown

for the following afternoonsetfor the following afternoon

food poisoningcausingfood poisoning

a much more starchy / creamy consistencycausesa much more starchy / creamy consistency

from Chinaoriginatedfrom China

more protein and caloriescontributesmore protein and calories



43 % of total food grains productioncontributes43 % of total food grains production

human nutrition and food securityinfluenceshuman nutrition and food security

This dish(passive) is composed byThis dish

43 % of total food grain production and 46 % of the total cereal production of the countrycontributes43 % of total food grain production and 46 % of the total cereal production of the country

in lightresultsin light

for sushidesignedfor sushi


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