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Qaagi - Book of Why



to hold digital information hostage until the individual being targeted(passive) are designedRansomware attacks

to block authorized access to a computer system until the business pays the demanded ransom(passive) are designedRansomware attacks

downloading software or downloading a malicious email attachment(passive) are typically caused byRansomware attacks

These , and other malwarecauseransomware attacks

Skype adsleadto ransomware attacks

to hold a company?s network hostage with a demand for payment to release it(passive) are designedRansomware attacks

to encrypt files and keep victims from accessing them until they pay a fee(passive) are designedRansomware attacks

mistakenly opening a malicious emailto set- off a ransomware attack

An attorney clicked on a phishing e - mailleadingto a ransomware attack

phishing emails and malware attachmentsleadto ransomware attacks

employees opening spam e - mails(passive) are typically caused byRansomware attacks

by malware(passive) caused bya ransomware attack

The possible reasonsleadingto ransomware attacks

Us Fake Skype adsleadto ransomware attacks

malwareleadsto a ransomware attack

Us Support Center Fake Skype adsleadto ransomware attacks

the malware called SamSam(passive) caused bya ransomware attack

by WannaCry and Petya(passive) caused byRansomware Attacks Ransomware attacks

the security patchesresultedin the ransomware attack

Trojans ... another reasoncan causea ransomware attack

another reasoncan causea ransomware attack

2017 NewscausedSecurity The WannaCry ransomware attack

for example(passive) was causedThe WannaCry ransomware attack

some widespread security mis - configurationscausea ransomware attack

its hacking toolsleadto the WannaCry ransomware attack

a computersetransomware attacks

to grow in 2017(passive) are setRansomware attacks

by security researchers(passive) discovered bya ransomware attack

any informationleadingto ransomware attacks

An employeecausesa ransomware attack

The Real Costs of Ransomware Attacks In 2015 alonecausedransomware attacks

to lock a computer and requires a company to pay a specified amount of money(passive) is designedA ransomware attack

by spam and phishing emails(passive) caused byransomware attacks

the vulnerabilityledto the WannaCry ransomware attack

all these actionsmight leadto ransomware attack

AdsCan Leadto a Ransomware Attack

by the lack of cybersecurity training(passive) caused byransomware attacks

on Friday(passive) was discoveredthe WannaCry ransomware attack

possible security gapsmight leadto ransomware attacks

attachmentscauseransomware attacks

from outside the United Statesoriginatedfrom outside the United States

major disruptioncausemajor disruption

you to lose your data unless you pay a ransom for itmay causeyou to lose your data unless you pay a ransom for it

headaches for computer userscauseheadaches for computer users

to businesses paying huge ransoms to criminalshave ledto businesses paying huge ransoms to criminals

last yearledlast year

the potential damage(passive) caused bythe potential damage

for mobile devicesdesignedfor mobile devices

from an external source , such as an email message or a linktypically originatefrom an external source , such as an email message or a link

to lock victims out of critical filesdesignedto lock victims out of critical files

to lock victims out of critical files until a monetary ransom isdesignedto lock victims out of critical files until a monetary ransom is

massive business disruptions across the worldis causingmassive business disruptions across the world

to monitor ransom payments as a result of ransomware attacksDesignedto monitor ransom payments as a result of ransomware attacks

more downtime than ever beforeare causingmore downtime than ever before

more downtime thanare causingmore downtime than

costly disruptions to operations and the loss of critical information and datacan causecostly disruptions to operations and the loss of critical information and data

Downtime(passive) caused byDowntime

serious damagehave causedserious damage

to a variety of costs and losses to the companies attackedcan leadto a variety of costs and losses to the companies attacked

the damage(passive) caused bythe damage

problems for many companies and organizations worldwidehave causedproblems for many companies and organizations worldwide

downtime data leaks intellectual property theft and data breachescausedowntime data leaks intellectual property theft and data breaches

with a targeted phishing attack on an employee with electronic medical record ( EMR ) system access who clicked a link in an emailoriginatedwith a targeted phishing attack on an employee with electronic medical record ( EMR ) system access who clicked a link in an email


severe financial and reputational damage to businessescan causesevere financial and reputational damage to businesses

alreadyhave ... causedalready

alarm for customerscan causealarm for customers

alarmcan causealarm

the damages(passive) caused bythe damages

in significant costs and system downtimecan resultin significant costs and system downtime

your online file storagemay possibly influenceyour online file storage

to a complete shutdown of your computer systemscan leadto a complete shutdown of your computer systems

from a workstationoriginatingfrom a workstation

possiblymay ... influencepossibly


through endpoints , such as desktop computers , laptops , smart phones , tablets or fringe computing resourcesoften originatethrough endpoints , such as desktop computers , laptops , smart phones , tablets or fringe computing resources

considerable disruptioncan causeconsiderable disruption

your on - line file storagemay well influenceyour on - line file storage


in billions of dollars in damagesresultingin billions of dollars in damages


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