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Qaagi - Book of Why



the ? wet streetscauserain

rainfall shower heads head amazonledrain

of droplets of water called raindrops(passive) is composedRain

fall and melts on their wayto causerain

of falling drops of water(passive) is composedrain

rain falling causescausesrain

Wet dayscauserain

# Wet streetscauserain

by precipitation(passive) are caused byRain


Wet roadscauserain

# water #results# rain

The same way wet streetscauserain

Precipitation ( Evaporation of water in the skywill causerain

A persistent weather patternhas causedrain

wet streetscausesrain

Wet streetspotentially causerain

Wet sidewalkscauserain

Rains are caused by clouds , This rain helps the forests to grow which in turnalso causerain

Wet streetscauserain

Wet roadscauserain

it?s in the ? wet streetscauserain

various weather conditions(passive) is caused byRain


Water vapor ... the atmospherecausesrain

the upward transport of water vapour from the surface into the atmosphere , where it condenses , forms clouds and rains out(passive) is caused byRain

wet streetsmust causerain

wet leaves on the treescauserain

Wet pavementcausesrain

rainfall shower head reviews overheadsetrain

The weather machinecould causerain

by the storm(passive) caused byrain

the monsoonal clouds from Mexicowould causerain

Rain or thundershowerscausesRain

when the precipitation forms into clouds and the clouds get heavy and(passive) is causedRain

its hard floodcausingrain

more moisture ... tends ... , after allto causerain

water / lightning in cloudscausesrain

crime like wet streetscauserain

source of airinfluencedrain

the floodingis causingthe flooding

to floodingleadingto flooding

streets to get wetcausesstreets to get wet

the ground to get wetcausesthe ground to get wet

some floodingcausedsome flooding

water to fall from the skycauseswater to fall from the sky

things to become wetcausesthings to become wet

rivers to overflow Strongcan causerivers to overflow Strong

widespread floodscausedwidespread floods

to floodingsometimes leadingto flooding

to flooding leadsto flooding

water accumulation on the roofcauseswater accumulation on the roof

flooding and hailovernight causedflooding and hail

the streets to floodcausedthe streets to flood

street floodingis causingstreet flooding

additional floodingcausingadditional flooding

flooding oncausesflooding on

a lot of floodingis causinga lot of flooding

wet roadscould causewet roads

in floodingcan resultin flooding

more floodingcausingmore flooding

to flooding inmay leadto flooding in

Flooding(passive) is often caused byFlooding

the street to get wet . 2will causethe street to get wet . 2

the street to get wetwill causethe street to get wet

to minor floodingmay leadto minor flooding

some flooding of roads / other areascould causesome flooding of roads / other areas

flooding incausesflooding in

water to collect on the roadcausedwater to collect on the road

floodingmay causeflooding


the World to get wetcausesthe World to get wet

in more losses caused by mud slideswill ... resultin more losses caused by mud slides

flooding all aroundwas causingflooding all around

to flooding?Ileadsto flooding?I

flooding ... rightcausesflooding ... right

floodingcan also causeflooding

to floodingcould also leadto flooding

floods Rain causes floodscausesfloods Rain causes floods

flooding over weekendmay causeflooding over weekend


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