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Qaagi - Book of Why



an eventcausedrabbits in England

Lack of balance iscausesrabbits to

I was toldwere designedto deal with rabbits in Australia

I was told thoughwere designedto deal with rabbits in Australia

more undeadresultin a " rabbits in Australia " effect

dramatic problemscauseddramatic problems

to extensive soil erosionledto extensive soil erosion

The problems(passive) caused byThe problems

The problems(passive) caused byThe problems

untold havochave causeduntold havoc

primary production losses(passive) caused byprimary production losses

major damage to the environment and economic losses.[8would causemajor damage to the environment and economic losses.[8

major damage to the environment and economic losses.[15would causemajor damage to the environment and economic losses.[15

major damage to the environment and economic losseswould causemajor damage to the environment and economic losses

your teethcausedyour teeth

the great damage and loss(passive) caused bythe great damage and loss


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