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Qaagi - Book of Why



the abuser ... the incidentleadsto the protection order

to protect victims of domestic violence from further acts of violence , threats , and abuse(passive) were designedOrders of protection

to act as a shield to protect individuals from future harm(passive) were designedOrders of Protection

as a provision in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986(passive) were createdOrders of Protection

to protect individuals who have allegedly been the victim of a crime or family offense(passive) are designedOrders of Protection

to protect you during the time that it takes for your full court hearing for a permanent order to take place , which is usually within the next 14(passive) is designedprotection order

to protect one party from abuse(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to protect individuals from actual physical harm or the threat of the same(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to shield victims from unwanted contact or injury from alleged aggressors(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to provide a level of safety from an individual that poses a risk of harm to another(passive) were createdOrders of protection

to protect a few different groups of people(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to be a “ shield ” to protect against domestic violence(passive) were designedOrders of protection

to keep victims of domestic violence safe(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to protect a person from physical harm or harassment by the other spouse(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to prevent future violence and harassment(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to provide victims with relief from the abuse(passive) are designedOrders of Protection

to stop violent or harassing behavior(passive) are designedOrders of Protection

to prevent domestic abuse(passive) are specifically designedOrders of Protection

to protect domestic violence victims and witnesses who might be subject to intimidation(passive) were originally createdOrders of protection

for immediate access(passive) are designedOrders of protection

to protect the victim(passive) are designedOrders of protection

with a noble purpose(passive) were inventedOrders of protection

to prevent harm to a person by ordering the offending individual to stay away from the other party or to refrain from certain conduct(passive) are designedOrders of protection

for intimate partner violence(passive) were initially createdOrders of protection

also(passive) is ... designedprotective order

to stop and prevent violence and harassment between individuals with a familial relationship , such as spouses , ex - spouses and partners(passive) are designedOrders of Protection

Discovery dust - uppromptsprotective order

to protect an elderly person from abuse in a more permanent way than the ex parte order(passive) is designedA protection order

to prevent further abuse(passive) are designedOrders of protection

statute in Tennessee(passive) are created byOrders of Protection

originally(passive) were ... createdOrders of protection

to prevent domestic violence(passive) are designedOrders of protection

This type of court order(passive) is designedOrders of Protection

to prevent an abuser from harassing , threatening , stalking or committing violent acts against Read More(passive) is designedThe protection order

to protect domestic violence victims and witnesses who [ … ] February 11 , 2016 Greetings , Dear Friends — Joy swept through our cell block , Jamesville County Jail , Pod 4 , Thursday , January 28(passive) were originally createdOrders of protection

to remain in effect for up to two years(passive) can be setprotective order

the joint motionto set asideprotective order

Unfortunately , a lot of the work I do as a family law attorney isto createorders of protection

to prevent an abuser from harassing , threatening , stalking or committing violent acts against their victim(passive) is designedThe protection order

to keep you separated from your abuser and keep you(passive) is designedThe Protection Order

offense caused by bias or prejudice a misdemeanor offensepreventingoffense caused by bias or prejudice a misdemeanor offense

deposition of counselpreventingdeposition of counsel

the deposition of the plaintiffto preventthe deposition of the plaintiff

continuation of depositionto preventcontinuation of deposition

offense caused by bias or prejudice If you were convicted of any other misdemeanor offensepreventingoffense caused by bias or prejudice If you were convicted of any other misdemeanor offense

offense caused by bias or prejudice 2 years from date of discharge and dismissalpreventingoffense caused by bias or prejudice 2 years from date of discharge and dismissal

the deposition of its litigation counselto preventthe deposition of its litigation counsel

deposition of international unionto preventdeposition of international union

the deposition of Mr. Morrisonpreventingthe deposition of Mr. Morrison

the deposition from going forwardpreventingthe deposition from going forward

Video Deposition In some casesto preventVideo Deposition In some cases

the person from having weaponshad ... preventedthe person from having weapons

the abusive personmay ... Preventthe abusive person

deposition reviewed for abuse of discretionpreventingdeposition reviewed for abuse of discretion

discovery abusesto preventdiscovery abuses

further discovery by Marchiondoto preventfurther discovery by Marchiondo

an abuser from bothering a victim or a personcan also preventan abuser from bothering a victim or a person

the deposition of Jennifer De Simone ( aaqto preventthe deposition of Jennifer De Simone ( aaq

contact with her abuserpreventingcontact with her abuser

dissemination of any potential deposition testimonyto preventdissemination of any potential deposition testimony

the deposition of Jennifer De Simone with memorandum in supportto preventthe deposition of Jennifer De Simone with memorandum in support

Strom from contacting her or the childrento preventStrom from contacting her or the children

deposition of appellees= general counselpreventingdeposition of appellees= general counsel

the couple from contacting each otherpreventsthe couple from contacting each other

him from contacting his girlfriendpreventinghim from contacting his girlfriend

the pair from contacting each otherpreventingthe pair from contacting each other

Brown from contacting herpreventingBrown from contacting her

him from contacting the RSPCApreventinghim from contacting the RSPCA

the defendant from returning to the home or contacting the victimpreventingthe defendant from returning to the home or contacting the victim

an abusive parent from contacting the childrento preventan abusive parent from contacting the children

the deposition of Jennifer De Simone ( file in chambers ) ( aaqto preventthe deposition of Jennifer De Simone ( file in chambers ) ( aaq

time or place of discoverysettingtime or place of discovery

petitioner from obtaining discoverypreventingpetitioner from obtaining discovery

contact with any child under 18preventingcontact with any child under 18

the perpetrator of the domestic violence ( “ the respondentpreventsthe perpetrator of the domestic violence ( “ the respondent

to promote the free exchange of information and development of the factual record in a proceeding when the commission finds that parties reasonably anticipate that discovery or evidentiary ( ( submissions))filings will require ( ( the disclosure ofdesignedto promote the free exchange of information and development of the factual record in a proceeding when the commission finds that parties reasonably anticipate that discovery or evidentiary ( ( submissions))filings will require ( ( the disclosure of

the abuser from : Attacking you or sexually assaulting you Contacting you , your children or other family memberscan preventthe abuser from : Attacking you or sexually assaulting you Contacting you , your children or other family members

to my abuser being removed from my home by the policeledto my abuser being removed from my home by the police

a person from doing certain things , such as contacting you or coming near youpreventsa person from doing certain things , such as contacting you or coming near you

the deposition of the deposition 's litigation counselto preventthe deposition of the deposition 's litigation counsel


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