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Qaagi - Book of Why



delays(passive) may be caused byPropagation delays

by excessive wire length(passive) caused bypropagation delays

the length a signal must travel via(passive) is caused byPropagation delay

by the ionosphere and the troposphere(passive) caused bypropagation delays

the signalcausespropagation delay

by line receivers(passive) caused bypropagation delays

varying lengths of signal buses in the SDRAM 30(passive) caused bypropagation delays

filtersstill causedelay spread

multipath(passive) caused bydelay spread

by wireless medium(passive) caused bydelay spread

Long electrical lengthcausespropagation delays

by varying ionospheric electron content(passive) caused bypropagation delays

by varying lengths of signal buses in the system(passive) caused bypropagation delays

by signals being reflected from structures ( e.g. , buildings and mountains ) and users traveling on vehicles(passive) caused bydelay spread

the speed of light in a fiber or copper based network(passive) is caused byPropagation delay

by distance and/or interference caused by objects(passive) caused byPropagation delays

by distance from the source access node or other interference conditions(passive) caused bypropagation delay

by the dimensions of the grating(passive) caused bypropagation delays

by the interconnects(passive) caused bypropagation delays

Sources of carrier - phase mismatch at the receivercausesPropagation delay

the timing errorsresultingfrom propagation delay

by differences in group velocity among modes of an optical fiber(passive) caused bypropagation delay

no address - decoding logicto causepropagation delays

by both gate delays and(passive) caused bypropagation delays

the sending the signals from the GPS module 11 to the first base station(passive) caused bythe propagation delay

by long distances(passive) caused byany propagation delay

by the characteristics of the speed of light traveling via a fiber - optic - based or copper based medium of the underlying network(passive) caused byPropagation delay

by dispersion effects(passive) caused bypropagation delay

the length(passive) is caused byPropagation delay

the length a signal must travel via light in fiber or electrical impulse in copper - based networks(passive) is caused byPropagation delay

by multipath fading effect(passive) caused bymultipath propagation delay spread

by time - varying effects of the communication channel(passive) caused bydelay spread

any other areascan causethe propagation delay

by the two gate delays(passive) prompted bypropagation delays

by the wireless link(passive) caused bythe propagation delay

by gate delay(passive) caused byPropagation delay

by distance or any other reason(passive) caused bya propagation delay

The non - interactioncould causea propagation delay

most often(passive) is causedPropagation delay

by membrane capacitance(passive) caused bythe propagation delay


a given source signal to reach different sensors at different timescausea given source signal to reach different sensors at different times

Time dispersion(passive) is also caused byTime dispersion

a local network to exhibit a variety of metastable network statescausea local network to exhibit a variety of metastable network states

an incorrect estimation of this timemay causean incorrect estimation of this time

the fine timing signalscausingthe fine timing signals

some distortion of the signal , in which the distortion can for example be seen in FIG . 15may causesome distortion of the signal , in which the distortion can for example be seen in FIG . 15

some distortion of the signal , in which the distortion can for example be seen in FIGmay causesome distortion of the signal , in which the distortion can for example be seen in FIG

for examplemay influencefor example


the phase shift(passive) caused bythe phase shift

carrier - phase offset in the received signalcausescarrier - phase offset in the received signal

Measurement error(passive) caused byMeasurement error

signal edges of an IRIG encoded signal 304 ( e.g. , signal edge 312 ) to be delayed by an amount of time 204 associated with the propagation delaymay causesignal edges of an IRIG encoded signal 304 ( e.g. , signal edge 312 ) to be delayed by an amount of time 204 associated with the propagation delay

from the light speed velocity of radio wavesresultingfrom the light speed velocity of radio waves


the max frequencywill influencethe max frequency

Application latency(passive) is mostly influenced byApplication latency

symbol errorscausessymbol errors

in signal reflections on the buscould resultin signal reflections on the bus

network performance and will have an impact on proper operateinfluencesnetwork performance and will have an impact on proper operate

handshake failurescausinghandshake failures

intersymbol interferencecausesintersymbol interference

from a channelcausedfrom a channel

significantly to delays across high - delay linkscontributessignificantly to delays across high - delay links

to delays across high - delay linkscontributesto delays across high - delay links

Angular Error(passive) Caused byAngular Error

significant variations in the phase of the received signalcausesignificant variations in the phase of the received signal

network performance and will have an affect on correct functionalityinfluencesnetwork performance and will have an affect on correct functionality

to inter - symbol interferenceleadsto inter - symbol interference

from transmission from the satellitecausedfrom transmission from the satellite

problemscan causeproblems

intersymbol interference ( ISIcan causeintersymbol interference ( ISI

along propagation pathscausedalong propagation paths

network functionality and should have an impact on good functionalityinfluencesnetwork functionality and should have an impact on good functionality

ISI(passive) caused byISI

network performance and will influence suitable functionalityinfluencesnetwork performance and will influence suitable functionality

something called radiation resistance(passive) caused bysomething called radiation resistance

in a normal pathcausedin a normal path

when a signal arrives at two places at different timesis causedwhen a signal arrives at two places at different times


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