He is looking through the bars of our selfcreatedprison
so many things in our own selfcreatedprison
For if we do n't , we stay locked in our own selfcreatedprison
Our sorrows , our fears keep us in our selfcreatedprison
for punitive punishment(passive) was designedPrison
to let unfortunate prisoners wallow in regret and self pity and let their own minds torture themselves(passive) is designedPrison
English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in 1785(passive) designed byprison
Jones ... designedto preventprison crowding
to keep inmates from coming back(passive) is designedPrison
British philosopher Jeremy Bentham(passive) designed byprison
philosopher Jeremy Bentham.[3(passive) designed byprison
Other stateshave setprison
not only as a punishment , but also as a way to rehabilitate those who have broken the law(passive) was createdPrison
with punishment , correction and rehabilitation(passive) is designedPrison
to punishment those for their unlawful actions(passive) was createdPrison
the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century(passive) designed byprison
send itto paintprison
philosopher Jeremy Bentham ( England 1787(passive) designed byprison
Previous Zimbabwe inmatessetprison
to inflict emotional pain , years of Prison(passive) is designedPrison
to be punishment for breaking the laws of civil society(passive) is designedprison
Delta State Prison InmatesSetsPrison
young adults ... only wayto preventprison suicidesNext
the way in which people interact(passive) created byprison
with punishment prison health care(passive) is designedPrison
English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in the late eighteenth century(passive) designed byprison
to revoke one ’s liberties as both a punishment and a deterrent(passive) is designedPrison
to punishment those for the Democrats 's unlawful actions(passive) was createdPrison
men for men(passive) was created byprison
in the first place(passive) was createdPrison
If the court attemptedto set( prison
Today Home / Life / Zimbabwe inmatessetprison
The new lawpreventsprison
an early releaseto preventprison crowding
not only as a punishment , but to set an example that will deter other fascist scum(passive) is designedPrison
to restrict freedom(passive) is designedPrison
some crime via the more mundane channel of locking them up ... incapacitating rather than deterring them , in the lingo of criminal justice theory lee and mccrarypreventssome crime via the more mundane channel of locking them up ... incapacitating rather than deterring them , in the lingo of criminal justice theory lee and mccrary
to a death sentencecould well have ledto a death sentence
Social DeathDoes ... CauseSocial Death
his early deathmay have preventedhis early death
to a guilty person walking freecan also leadto a guilty person walking free
to another crimeleadsto another crime
to Medina man ’s deathledto Medina man ’s death
the movement for Black liberation ... Lisa M. Corrigan ( Instance ) - University of Oklahoma Librariesinfluencedthe movement for Black liberation ... Lisa M. Corrigan ( Instance ) - University of Oklahoma Libraries
in death years latercould ... resultin death years later
a free website or blog at WordPress.comCreatea free website or blog at WordPress.com
the lasting harm(passive) caused bythe lasting harm
crime by simply caging dangerous people deterrencepreventscrime by simply caging dangerous people deterrence
its own set of problemscreatesits own set of problems
more crime for the period the criminals are locked uppreventsmore crime for the period the criminals are locked up
more crime than it preventscreatesmore crime than it prevents
Crime reduction(passive) caused byCrime reduction
Crime WhilstCausesCrime Whilst
crime costs(passive) prevented bycrime costs
to gang activityledto gang activity
the lives of the people you lovewill influencethe lives of the people you love
me free of the judgments I had about poetry and poetic form ... but also in aspects of politics and lifesetme free of the judgments I had about poetry and poetic form ... but also in aspects of politics and life
members of society againcontributingmembers of society again
to house inmates constructing the town ’s breakwaterdesignedto house inmates constructing the town ’s breakwater
far more harm than drugscausesfar more harm than drugs
More Harm Than Good | HuffPostCausesMore Harm Than Good | HuffPost
social anxiety , distrust , and other psychological issues that negatively affect a person 's reintegration into an employment settingcan causesocial anxiety , distrust , and other psychological issues that negatively affect a person 's reintegration into an employment setting
to trauma , homelessness , poverty , and recidivismleadsto trauma , homelessness , poverty , and recidivism
My Slow Death " » Reader Commentsis CausingMy Slow Death " » Reader Comments
to Al Capone death after releaseleadingto Al Capone death after release
Traumatic Stress Disorder and DeathcauseTraumatic Stress Disorder and Death
The one who has come so that the oppressed , the slave may be set free , those in captive and(passive) be setThe one who has come so that the oppressed , the slave may be set free , those in captive and
to more inmate violence against staff and fellow prisoners ... and prison guards and department reports paint a picture of two or three prisoners sharing cells built for one and halls crowded with lines of inmatesleadsto more inmate violence against staff and fellow prisoners ... and prison guards and department reports paint a picture of two or three prisoners sharing cells built for one and halls crowded with lines of inmates
to mental health problemscontributesto mental health problems
the problems they ’re trying to correctoften createsthe problems they ’re trying to correct
more ethical , social , psychological and economic problems than it solvescausesmore ethical , social , psychological and economic problems than it solves
United states state and federal possible problems(passive) caused byUnited states state and federal possible problems
to remain for lifewas setto remain for life
a false sense that the President can weigh in on the outcome of judicial proceedings that implicate George Stephanopouloscreatesa false sense that the President can weigh in on the outcome of judicial proceedings that implicate George Stephanopoulos
to reducing violent crimemay have contributedto reducing violent crime