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Qaagi - Book of Why



An elevated pressuremay causeportal hypertension

The increase in the blood pressure in this veinscausesportal hypertension

pressure in the veincausingportal hypertension

by an isolated arterioportal fistula ( apf(passive) caused byportal hypertension

PVT ... the hepatic portal veincausesportal hypertension

by periportal tuberculous lymphadenitis(passive) caused byportal hypertension

Increased blood flowmay also causeportal hypertension

the veincausesportal hypertension

blood flow issuesleadingto portal hypertension

obstruction of blood flow in the portal system(passive) is caused byPortal hypertension

In patients with cirrhosis the pressure in portal system increasesto causeportal hypertension

compression or occlusion of the splenic vein or the superior mesenteric vein(passive) caused byPrehepatic portal hypertension

increased intrahepatic vascular resistance and portal blood flow(passive) is mainly caused byPortal hypertension

Prolonged congestive heart failure and constrictive pericarditismay causeportal hypertension

Pulmonary derangementsresultingfrom portal hypertension

A progressively enlarging spleencan also leadto portal hypertension

it obstructs blood flow throughout the hepatic portal systemcausingportal hypertension

The increased blood in your portal veinleadsto portal hypertension

the obstructed portal circulationleadsto portal hypertension

a pulmonary vascular constrictive / obliterative processresultingfrom portal hypertension

occlusion of the splenic vein(passive) is caused bySinistral portal hypertension

initially(passive) is ... causedPortal hypertension

the low pressure of the splanchnic system is not able to overcome the pressure impedanceleadingto portal hypertension

by blood pressure issues(passive) being directly caused byportal hypertension

by blood pressure issues(passive) being ... caused byportal hypertension

by portal vein compression by the tumor(passive) caused byportal hypertension

by portal vein compression(passive) caused byportal hypertension

Restricted blood flowcausesportal hypertension

a pre - sinusoidal blockcausingportal hypertension

Hepatic venous outflow obstructionleadsto portal hypertension

Splenomegalymay causeportal hypertension

if the liver is damaged , then intra - hepatic pressure increasescausingportal hypertension

the portal systemcausingportal hypertension

Shunting of blood from the hepatic artery to the portal veincausesportal hypertension

hepatic sinusoidsleadingto portal hypertension

Right HEART FAILUREalso can causeportal hypertension

by chronic high venous pressure on small - intestinal(passive) caused byportal hypertension

increased blood flow into the portal venous system or by portal venous outflow obstruction(passive) may be caused byPortal hypertension

way of distortion of the hepatic(passive) is caused byPortal hypertension

by tumor compression portal vein or(passive) caused byportal hypertension

lung problems , such as widening of the blood vessels in the lungscan causelung problems , such as widening of the blood vessels in the lungs

blood to back up in themay causeblood to back up in the

in ascitescan resultin ascites

from a combinationmay resultfrom a combination

from a combination ofmay resultfrom a combination of

from a combination of the followingmay resultfrom a combination of the following

blood to back up in the veins connected to the livercausesblood to back up in the veins connected to the liver

to portopulmonary hypertensioncan leadto portopulmonary hypertension

to an increase in the portosystemic collateral flowleadsto an increase in the portosystemic collateral flow

an increase in portal blood flowcausesan increase in portal blood flow

what is called portal hypertensive gastropathycan also causewhat is called portal hypertensive gastropathy

to portosystemic shunting of bloodleadingto portosystemic shunting of blood

to vasodilatation of splanchnic vesselsleadsto vasodilatation of splanchnic vessels

to systemic vasodilatationleadingto systemic vasodilatation

the spleen to turn out to be increasedmight causethe spleen to turn out to be increased

to vasodilation and relative arterial hypotensionleadsto vasodilation and relative arterial hypotension

fluid to accumulate in the peritoneumcausesfluid to accumulate in the peritoneum

alsocan ... resultalso

in increased vessel permeability and ascitescan also resultin increased vessel permeability and ascites

to the formation of portosystemic collateral veinsleadsto the formation of portosystemic collateral veins

to adjustments for the spleenmay leadto adjustments for the spleen

to congestion of bloodleadsto congestion of blood

to congestion of blood within the spleenleadsto congestion of blood within the spleen

to more production of lymphleadsto more production of lymph

to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity ( ascitescan leadto the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity ( ascites

to , SignsLeadsto , Signs

porto - systemic anastomosescausingporto - systemic anastomoses

the spleen to become enlargedmay causethe spleen to become enlarged

to right - side heart failureleadingto right - side heart failure

fluid to leak from the portal veinscausingfluid to leak from the portal veins

to leak from the portal veinscausingto leak from the portal veins

to spleen hypertrophyleadsto spleen hypertrophy

abnormalmay causeabnormal

to release of excess vasodilatorsleadsto release of excess vasodilators

to , IndicationsLeadsto , Indications

from increased vascular resistancegenerally resultsfrom increased vascular resistance

to oesophageal varices as well as hypoperfusion of the kidneys , water and salt retention and increased cardiac outputcan leadto oesophageal varices as well as hypoperfusion of the kidneys , water and salt retention and increased cardiac output

to hypoxemialeadsto hypoxemia

to the formation of portosystemic venous collateralsleadsto the formation of portosystemic venous collaterals

arterial vasodilatation in the splanchnic circulationcausesarterial vasodilatation in the splanchnic circulation


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