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Qaagi - Book of Why



of individuals(passive) is composedPopulation

of numerous ethnic groups(passive) is composedpopulation

of the people of different age group(passive) is composedPopulation

Recent Censusresultspopulation


Human huntinghas causedpopulation

immigration from settlements(passive) is caused bypopulation

of expats(passive) is primarily composedpopulation

people living longer(passive) caused bypopulation

by people living longer(passive) caused bypopulation

of people who were born in another country(passive) is composedpopulation

factors like birth rate & death rate(passive) is influenced byPopulation

of 11,071 single men and 11,952 single women(passive) is composedpopulation

at 5,136(passive) was setpopulation

of various ethnic groups , which have various regional languages(passive) is composedpopulation

of 15,855 single men and 21,923 single women(passive) is composedpopulation

of students and young working - class(passive) is mainly composedPopulation

by the government(passive) caused byPopulation

of Jews , about two - thirds of the inhabitants being descendants of Abraham(passive) is largely composedpopulation

Many people in many locationshave causedpopulation

largely(passive) is ... composedpopulation

of many ethnic groups , including indigenous american indians ( amerindians ) , who account for nearly one - fifth of the total , and(passive) is composedpopulation

of many ethnic groups , including indigenous american indians ( amerindians ) , who account for nearly one - fifth of the total(passive) is composedpopulation

of folks from Asia(passive) is actually composedpopulation

of many ethnic groups , including indigenous american indians ( amerindians ) , who account for nearly one - fifth(passive) is composedpopulation

of young professionals and families(passive) is primarily composedpopulation


by continuing high inward migration(passive) caused bypopulation

continuing high inward migration(passive) caused bypopulation

by births exceeding deaths(passive) caused bypopulation

the changing demographics of the usinfluencepopulation

of female respondents(passive) is composedpopulation

of Arab , Turkmen and Kurdish inhabitants(passive) is mainly composedpopulation

to increase by a third by 2035 , to approximately half a million people , with 600,000 in the greater ACT area(passive) is setPopulation

Food suppliesleadpopulation

of male individuals(passive) was predominantly composedpopulation

by the total number of births(passive) caused bypopulation

by mass immigration ( and vastly higher birthrates among those who come here in comparison with the indigenous population(passive) caused bypopulation

on an integer number of susceptible and infected individuals(passive) is composedpopulation

of recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants and their descendants(passive) is composedpopulation

to more and more peopleis leadingto more and more people

the positive change we need in our societyto influencethe positive change we need in our society

to severe overcrowdingleadingto severe overcrowding

additional overcrowdingcausingadditional overcrowding


too manyhas causedtoo many

to problems with crowding , congestion , and crimeleadingto problems with crowding , congestion , and crime

to massive movements of peopleledto massive movements of people

in greater demandresultingin greater demand

in increased demand for foodhas resultedin increased demand for food


to increasing quantities of waste being generatedleadingto increasing quantities of waste being generated

from Indiaoriginatefrom India

a increase in need for health staffs and servicescausesa increase in need for health staffs and services

the numberto setthe number

to an increase in pollution of the environmenthas ledto an increase in pollution of the environment

a lot of ( problemhas causeda lot of ( problem

to reach 2 millionsetto reach 2 million

ducauses du

to increased demand and sale ofhas ledto increased demand and sale of

from other states of India and abroadoriginatingfrom other states of India and abroad

prosperity ... cities are crowded , and richcausesprosperity ... cities are crowded , and rich

to a growing pool of volunteers in the economyleadsto a growing pool of volunteers in the economy

in subsequent population explosionsresultingin subsequent population explosions

the number of bank branches in a towninfluencesthe number of bank branches in a town

to rise from 6.6 billion today to more than nine billion people by 2050setto rise from 6.6 billion today to more than nine billion people by 2050

to a growing demographic crisishas ledto a growing demographic crisis

to a great increase in the demand for universitiesleadingto a great increase in the demand for universities

an increase in pharmaceuticals consumptioncausingan increase in pharmaceuticals consumption

to reach a staggering 9 billion by 2050 and with resetto reach a staggering 9 billion by 2050 and with re


in the form of taxescontributesin the form of taxes

There are thought to be less than 300 individuals in the wildresultsThere are thought to be less than 300 individuals in the wild

to overpopulation and unemployment , which in turn led to povertyledto overpopulation and unemployment , which in turn led to poverty

more in taxescontributingmore in taxes

to economic growthmost certainly does leadto economic growth

almost a quarter of all U.S. births and half of its population growthcontributesalmost a quarter of all U.S. births and half of its population growth

pressure(passive) has been caused bypressure

to demandleadsto demand

to more deforestation and degradationleadingto more deforestation and degradation


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