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Qaagi - Book of Why



plates pushing against one anothercausesplate movement

Thoughtto causeplate movement

The Picture showscausesplate movement

The force of gravitycausesplate movement

the processescauseplate movement

This destabilizes the gripping rock fingers holding the Earth platesthus causingplate movement

convection currents(passive) is caused byPlate movement

continental drift(passive) is caused byPlate movement

continental drift , or the transfer of oceanic crust(passive) is caused byPlate movement

Convection currentscauseplate movement

Geologists believecausesplate movement

subduction(passive) can be caused byPlate movement

The Lithospheric plates ... which is thoughtto causeplate movement

The additional mechanismcausesplate movement

forces operating within the Earths mantle as the magma moves against the plates(passive) are caused byThe plate movements

forces operating within the Earths mantle(passive) are caused byThe plate movements

This change ... is thoughtto causeplate movement

This layer is thoughtto causeplate movement

the crustcausingplate movement

convection in the asthenosphere(passive) is caused byPlate movement

subduction , which occurs when one plate ( pulls away from / sinks below(passive) can be caused byPlate movement

The movement of magma within the earthcausesplate movement

Which of the following is believedto causeplate movement

P. Which of the following is believedto causeplate movement

by convection in the mantle(passive) is causedplate movement

by convection in the mantle(passive) is caused byplate movement

the Earth s internal heat sourcecausesplate movement

continental driftresultingfrom plate movements

convection currents in the mantle(passive) is caused byPlate movement

The massive pressureresultsfrom plate movements

by convection currents in the mantle(passive) is causedplate movement

The uplift of large continental blocksresultingfrom plate movements

these currentscauseplate movement

Pull hypothesis force of gravitycausesplate movement

the plate sliding off the raised ridges along a spreading center and by its cool , dense leading edge being pulled downward by gravity into the mantle(passive) is caused byPlate movement

the plate sliding off the raised ridges along a spreading center and by its cool(passive) is caused byPlate movement

the tectonic platescausingplate movement

convectioncausesplate movement

the reasons for convectioncausesplate movement

the energiescauseplate movement

abutting plates to interact with one anothercausesabutting plates to interact with one another


from the force of gravity acting on the platesresultsfrom the force of gravity acting on the plates

strain energy to be stored within the platescausesstrain energy to be stored within the plates

plate boundaries(passive) are caused byplate boundaries


earthquakesis causingearthquakes

earthquakesis causingearthquakes

faults , or large breaks , in the Earth s crustcausefaults , or large breaks , in the Earth s crust

to volcanic activityleadsto volcanic activity

from the processes called ridge push and slab pullresultsfrom the processes called ridge push and slab pull

pressure to build up along faults , or breaks , in the earth 's crustcausespressure to build up along faults , or breaks , in the earth 's crust

the apparent position of the magnetic poles to have shiftedcausesthe apparent position of the magnetic poles to have shifted


Some crustal features on the land surface and beneath the ocean(passive) are caused bySome crustal features on the land surface and beneath the ocean

uplift of large continental blockscauseuplift of large continental blocks

uplift of large continental blockscauseuplift of large continental blocks

the faultscausingthe faults

the faults on the surfacecausingthe faults on the surface

faults or cracks in the earth 's crustcan also causefaults or cracks in the earth 's crust

a fault in the crust which is a crack caused by pressure during plate movementcan causea fault in the crust which is a crack caused by pressure during plate movement

a fault ... which is a crack caused by pressure during plate movementcan causea fault ... which is a crack caused by pressure during plate movement

Earthquakes(passive) are caused byEarthquakes

earthquakes , and tidal wavescan causeearthquakes , and tidal waves

a buildcausea build

a build up of a huge amount of energycausea build up of a huge amount of energy

continents to collidecausescontinents to collide

Earth 's landforms to change A.can causeEarth 's landforms to change A.

change on Earths surfacecauseschange on Earths surface

the crust to fold creating mountains and valleyscan causethe crust to fold creating mountains and valleys

earthquakes as well as volcanic eruptionscan causeearthquakes as well as volcanic eruptions


molten rock or magma to flow upward through a volcanocan causemolten rock or magma to flow upward through a volcano

breakscan causebreaks

continents to be pulled apart and pushed together , with varying amounts of volcanic activitycausescontinents to be pulled apart and pushed together , with varying amounts of volcanic activity

a great deal of impactcan causea great deal of impact

other natural phenomena , like volcanoescan also causeother natural phenomena , like volcanoes

volcanic activity , earthquakescausesvolcanic activity , earthquakes

Earth 's landforms to change A. True B.can causeEarth 's landforms to change A. True B.



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