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Qaagi - Book of Why



by leak(passive) caused byPipeline closure

Disagreements between the Iraqi capital and Erbil regarding oil export contractshave causedpipeline closures

Enbridge Line 4 spills 56,700-gallons of oilcausingclosure of pipeline

Enbridge Line 4 spills 56,700-gallons of oilcausingclosure of pipeline to U.S.

Enbridge Line 4 spills 56,700-gallons of oilcausingclosure of pipeline to U.S.

the incidentresultedin a pipeline closure

a huge firepromptedthe closure of the pipeline

The firecould causethe closure of the pipeline

some problems for a day or twomight causesome problems for a day or two

to the complete shutdown of production in oil fieldswould leadto the complete shutdown of production in oil fields

after an explosion on the line in Turkey on August 5causedafter an explosion on the line in Turkey on August 5

thousands of gas stations to run outcausedthousands of gas stations to run out

after an explosion on the line in eastern Turkeycausedafter an explosion on the line in eastern Turkey

petrol paniccausespetrol panic

EconomicWould CauseEconomic

Economic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil ProWould CauseEconomic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil Pro

Economic Shock " Gulf of Mexico CrudeWould CauseEconomic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude

Economic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil ProductionWould CauseEconomic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil Production

EWould CauseE

Economic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil Production Will IncreaseWould CauseEconomic Shock " Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil Production Will Increase

for quick and simple accessibility and operationdesignedfor quick and simple accessibility and operation

\"economicwould cause\"economic


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